Piccolo x Reader; There's A Hole In My Barn (Prt 2)

616 18 0

Prompt; pure improv

Request; Vampair

Warnings; Cursing

Word Count; 1,368 words (Yeah, this is getting a third part)

Notes; This is a continuation of There's a Hole In My Barn. This takes place after the Saiyan Saga. I don't remeber a lot of the details from those episodes, so I made most of it up. There's probably gonna be another part, knowing myself and how long I like to make things. Also, this was just kind of a filler, just to tell you what went on in between things. Hopefully this was as good as the first part, but I won't know until someone tells me it's crap! Ha! Anywho, enjoy!

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"Aw shit!" I cursed, glaring at the broken coloured pencil. Tramp looked up at me, and then laid back down. I sighed and grabbed the sharpener, letting it eat away at the green led.

"You fucking useless waste of space! You had one fucking job and you're doing a shit job of not doing it!" I said once I had finished, still glaring at it. I went back to colouring in my drawing.

It was of Piccolo, the strange-man, or should I say alien- I had met a month or so ago. I smiled at the memory of when he crashed through the roof of the barn. Never really did come up with a good excuse for the hole that was there when my parents came home. I smiled up at the sky, the blueness of it broken by the big, fluffy clouds. I sighed and hunched over, my hands on my cheeks and my elbows on my knees.

"Augh, who am I kidding?" I asked Tramp, "These last weeks have been so boring, and I haven't seen Piccolo in ages!" I flopped down against the roof, a frown plastered on my face. 'Man, I wish something would happen...' I sat up when I heard the phone rining downstairs. I grabbed my things so they wouldn't blow away, and hopped down the stairs, Tramp hot on my heels.

I answered the phone, setting my things down.

"Hi! Is this (Y/n) (L/n)?" I nodded, though no one could see it.

"Yeah! Who's this?"

"It's Son Gohan!" I smiled at the mention of the small, black haired boy I had met the same day as Piccolo.

"Hey, Gohan! How's it hanging? I haven't seen you or Piccolo in a while."

"Um, yeah, about that..." I could hear the uneasiness in his voice.

"Gohan? Is everything okay?" I asked, leaning against the table. Tramped sat down and stared up at me, his brown eyes almost warning me about something.

"Well, I'm in the hospital..."

"What?! What happened? Are you okay?" I asked, almost shouting.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I hope it's not too much to ask, but, do you think you could come by the hospital. Things'll be easier to explain."

"Of course! I'll be there as soon as I can! Where are you?" I asked, pulling a pen out of my art supplies.

"I'm at the Cardinal Hospital, three blocks away from Capsule Corps. 15th floor. Room 302." I mumbled it as I wrote it down on the back of my hand.

"Okay! I'll be there right away! See you soon!"

"See you."

I hung up the phone, and hurriedly slipped on my shoes. I turned off the lights, and ran to the front door, and stopped. I looked down at Tramp, who was wagging his tail at me. I bent down and gave his head a rub.

"Sorry bud. You gotta stay here. But hold down the fort for me while I'm gone, okay?"

His tongue lolled out the side of his mouth, and I took that as a yes.

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