Future!Trunks x Male!Reader; Bionic Boyfriend

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Prompt; "It takes a lot of rage to rip off a man's arm." "Yeah, well I was mad." "And irradiated."

Request; I actually did this one for myself cuz this was something I wanted to see, but I hope y'all enjoy it any way.

Warnings; mild langue

Word Count; 1,236 words (wowza!)

Notes; So, for this, (Y/n) is from the future, like Trunks, and has a cybernetic arm(the left one), courtesy of Bulma after the whole android mishap. (Y/n) is also Trunk's childhood friend, and boyfriend of 3 yrs. Also, (Y/n) has a capsule for a training room with solid holograms to fight (also courtesy of Bulma), and that's where we are starting off, with the Z Fighters and Trunks. (I also recommend watching DBZ Abridged Best of Vegeta Part Nine TFS by McMuffin before reading this, so I'll put it at the top for you to watch. His stuffs' great and I made a couple of referance's from that particular video in this dabble.)

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"(Y/n)! Duck!" I glanced back and ducked right as a sword passed over where my head had been only moment's before.

"Thanks Trunks!" I shouted back at the lavender haired boy as he sliced a holo-fighter is two. I slammed by fist into the holo-fighter's stomach, and it passed through his stomach, and the hologram flickered out of existence. I fought me way over to Trunks and we were fighting back-to-back.

"Sooo, wanna go out to the town tonight, get some ramen?" I asked him, throwing out my leg to nail one in the dick.

Trunks wrapped a hand around my waist, and dipped me, effectively stopping a fist from connecting with my face, and then sliced the arm off.
"Yeah, I would like that."

"Cool!" I separated from my boyfriend and flipped away, back into the fray.

"Hey Bulma!" I shouted at the control booth, where the said woman, Baby Trunks, Gohan, and the Z Fighters were at.

"Kick it up a notch will ya?!"

"Sure." I cheered, and did jumped, doing a spin kick, knocking out a holo-fighter, shoving it back into one of it's friends. I knew that raising the fighting level of the holo-fighters would make the Z Fighters want to try the system out even more than they already did, but we needed to prove to them that we were on the same level of fighting as they were. I shook out my thoughts to see I had been surrounded by five of the holograms, all holding swords.

"Oh crap baskets..." I sweat dropped a little. I jumped as they all swung their swords at me, and buried my foot in one of their faces, and I felt a lucky sword knick my left arm. I glanced over my shoulder to see Trunks was in, effectively, the same situation as me. I landed on the ground, and did a Matrix lean, and felt the air whoosh past my face, moving my (h/l) (h/c) hair a little.

I leaned back up, and glared at the holo-fighter.

"Oh, you better hope you didn't cute my hair, or you're gonna be in a world of pain..." I growled at it, making it step back a little. 'Weakness...Identified!' I smirked, and leapt forwards at it, beating it down with a symphony of kicks and punches, before it dissolved into thin air.

"Three left." Bulma said over the speakers, to whom I gave a thumbs up to.

I turned around the find my next target, and was met with a punch to the stomach, and a kick to the face. I went flying back into the wall, and I could hear a collective cringe of 'ouch' from the control room. I stood, and wiped the blood that was dripping from my mouth away with my hand (Remember the scene when Cell punched Vegeta? You look a lot like that right about now). I chuckled darkly.

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