Goku x Fem!Reader; Flight Practice

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Prompt; "I hate flying." "We're three feet off the ground." "Still counts. Now get. Me. Down."

Request; None

Warnings; Swearing

Word Count; 1,379 (Shite this is long)

Notes; Yes, I know Goku is married to Chichi, but she's not one of my more favourite characters. Sorry if this sucks, I wanted to write something and this was the first thing to come to mind. Any who, hope you enjoy it on some level!

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"You're getting really good (Y/n)!" Goku praised, giving me a thump on the back. I smiled at the black haired male, my face flushing slightly at the compliment.

"Thanks, Goku." I wiped the sweat off my brow with my arm, letting out a sigh. Goku and I had been friends for a good 3 years.

We had met at the Martial Arts Tournament, and I asked him if he could train me, since he was obviously a great fighter. So, every morning, we would meet up and train for hours.

"Alright, since we've got a some time left," he said, walking away from me, "We'll spar a little bit and then head back." I nodded. I was about to get into my stance when I noticed he was still walking. 'What in the world is he doing?' I asked myself, tilting my head at him.

"I wanna try something different," he called back at me, "A sort of cat and mouse game, if you will." I shrugged.

"Makes sense." I called back, "What are the rules?" He was about to call back, when we both felt chi getting closer. I turned and saw Yamcha, Pu'ar, Krillin (Or Kirinin), Tien, and Chazou (Srry if I spelled their names wrong) running up to us.

"Hey guys!" Goku waved at the group of men as they came closer, and I smiled at his childishness.

"What are guys doing up here?" I asked, walking closer to the group, crossing my arms.

"Bulma told us you two were up here training, and we thought we could use some too." Krillin said.

"Seems ligit."

"What were you guys getting ready to do? It looked pretty weird for a sparing session." Tien pointed out.

Goku chuckled.

"Yeah, I wanted to try something different."

"Like what?" I tuned out the conversation as Goku explained what he had said to me earlier, and then was harshly brought back into the speaking when I was thumped on the back. Hard.

I stumbled forwards and cough slightly. 

"(Y/n), did you hear me?" I glared at Goku, but shook my head.

"I was about to start going over he rules, and you looked a little zoned out." I sighed at him.


"Well, the forest is the main area, everything outside it is out of bounds and if you step out side the boundaries your disqualified." The others and I nodded. "I will start out as the only chaser. My job is to find you, and if I do we fight. If you win, I sit down and count again, and you can run off again. If I win, you join me, and we try to find the others. Pu'ar can make sure no one breaks any rules. Sound good?"

"Fuck yea!" I shouted, punching my hands together.

I was all for a chance to show up Earth's Z Fighters, as well as men.

"Let's do this." Yamcha cheered in agreement.

"Alright! I'll count for a minute. That should give you all a chance to get spread out. Last person caught wins." The guys and I all stepped up to the egde of the woods, and I watched as Goku found a rock to lean against.

"On your mark," Pu'ar said, raising his paws up," Get set.... GO!"

I darted into the brush, and I saw Krillin and Yamcha next to me still.

"You ready to loose (Y/n)?" Krillin teased. I smriked as he tripped over a root.

"You mean are you ready to loose to me?" Krillin scoffed and ran off in another direction.

Yamcha was still running next to me.

"All the luck to you, (Y/n)." He said, disappearing as well. I skidded to a stop in a small clearing.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

~Mini Time Skip~

A good thirty minutes had passed, and I was panting slightly. I had just come out of my hiding spot when I saw Goku and Tien, oh, and Chiaotz as well. I ran away before the saw me, thus my current predicament.

"Oh sweet Kami. Three of them?" This was turning into a living hell. I had no plans of being caught, but it seemed that the others had no qualms about it.

Shit. I peeked out of my hiding spot, and thankfully I didn't see anyone. Thats why I jumped when I heard Krillin shout, "FUCK!"

"Oh no, that was Krillin. He did not sound happy... and also very close by, I gotta move!" I quickly got to my feet and ran. I was a pro at hide and seek as a kid, so this was no sweat.

But I did NOT want to be caught by Krillin. A; because he'd be sore he lost, and B; I teased him about it earlier. And Goku, Tien, and/or Chiaotz would have no issues kicking my butt into next fucking Tuesday. I came to a stop, and I paled. It was a dead end. I had found a dead end with a small pool of water and a waterfall. I heard voices getting closer so I did the one thing I could do in this situation. I dove into the water, head first. I opened my eyes, and I gasped slightly. There was a little air pocket in front of me. I about started choking when I couldn't breath, and then remembered I was underwater, which quickly drove me into the pocket. And now I wait.

~Another Time Skip~

I had lost track of how much time had passed, but all I knew was that my legs where getting tired of keeping me afloat. I took a deep breath and dove under the water again, taking in a breath as I resurfaced. I dragged my sorry ass out of the water and glanced around.

"The coast is clear. Great." But naturally, I spoke too soon, because when I turned to find another place to go, I came face to face with Goku.

"OH GOD!" I screeched as he threw a punch at my face. I ducked, and swept my feet around in an arch in an attempt to knock him off his feet. He jumped and then tried stomping down. I rolled back away from him, and onto my feet.

"Great job (Y/n)," he panted, "You're the winner."

"Wait really?" I asked, blocking a blow aimed for my face. He nodded, grunting as I drove a punch home in his stomach.

"Cool!" I leaned back Matrix style as a fist whizzed past my face, and kicked my foot out, kicking Goku in the face.

He was knocked to the ground for a second before he got back up.

"Ka...meh...ha...meh..ha!" I blanched as he fired off a Kamehameha and jumped up to avoid it. When I landed on the ground Goku was no where to be seen.

"Huh? Where did he go..ACK!"

My heart leapt to my throat when Goku leapt out of the water behind me, grabbed me, and raised me up into the air. We were...flying... I quickly latched onto Goku, my face pale in fear. My legs were wrapped around his neck, and my hands around his head, his arm still holding onto my shirt.

"(Y/n)..?" he asked, all thoughts of battle gone.
"I hate flying." I said, my teeth clenched.
"We're three feet off the ground." He chuckled, and my face flushed.
"Still counts. Now get. Me. Down."

I whacked him over the head.

"Alright, alright." He slowly descended back down onto the ground, and I sighed in relief when his feet touched the ground. I jumped off him and stared in the other direction my face still red in embarrassment. I felt his hand on my shoulder, and I turned my gaze to meet his. 

"It's ok (Y/n), everyone's scared of something. Don't worry. I help you get over your fear."

"...really?" He nodded. My face flushed again and I stood on my tiptoes and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. I move away and shouted, "Come on! Let's go find the others and head back!"

I disappeared into the brush, not knowing I had left a red faced Goku frozen in shock behind me.

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