Bra x Male!Reader; Wiki Lies

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Prompt; "That's definitely not true." "Of course it is. I read it on Wikipedia."

Request; none

Warnings; none (Surprisingly)

Word Count; 1,379 words

Notes; This one was really fun to write because it reminds me of the conversations I have with my siblings and friends. The last part with Vegeta was my favourite part, and I wasn't even planning on writing it, it just appeared and told me to write it or it would turn me into chocolate. Anywho, hope you enjoy!

~(Y/n)'s POV~

"BRA! HURRY UP! WE"RE GONNA BE LATE!" I yelled, my hands cupped over my mouth. I watched as the doors to Capsule Corps opened, and Bra Briefs came running out. She was wearing a purple dress, and a dark blue jacket, and it looked like she had put on make up. I tossed her the blue helmet I had been holding, and waited for her to get on the bike.

"Your brother and Goten are already there, so is Marron and Pan." I told her, revving up my (f/c) bike and taking off.

"What took you so long?" I asked her, almost having to yell over the wind.

"I had to get ready!" she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Why, you got a hot date?" I teased, which earned me a punch the shoulder.

"Ugh, you are a such a jerk, (Y/n)!" she huffed. I laughed and sped up more.

"Why aren't you dressed up nice?" she asked me. I spared a second to glance down at my clothes. I was wearing a white dress shirt, the top three buttons undone, a pair of dark blue jeans, (f/c) converse, and my leather jacket.

"These are the nicest things I've got. Besides, I think I look handsome." Bra scoffed.

"Psh, in you're dreams."
"Ouch. You're harsh words hurt me. I don't know if I can drive!" I pouted playfully, swerving my bike slightly. Bra grabbed onto my waist, and I laughed.

"Are we there yet?" she grumbled into my back.

"5 more minutes. You'll survive."

"I sure hope so."

~Mini Time Skip~

"We're here!" I cheered, and took in a deep breath of air when Bra stopped squeezing it out of my lungs. The jumped onto the ground, doing a small dance.

"Finally! Solid ground!" I scoffed at her, and took off my helmet, giving my head a shake.

My (h/l) (h/c) locks swayed before I ran my hand through it, making it messily flip backwards.

"Y'know, for a girl who flies, you sure don't like riding on my bike." She turned to look at me, putting her hands on her hips.

"I don't mind riding bikes, but what you do is suicide." I laughed, and walked past her, throwing my hands up into the air.

"Again, says the girl who can fly."

Bra hurried to catch up with me, and together we walked up the small hill, and to the patio that sat on top of it. My (e/c) eyes sparkled when I saw Goten and Trunks, and I ran up to them.

"My dudes!" They three of us did our little handshake, and then I turned to Pan and Marron.

"Nice to see you guys too."

"What took you two so long?" Pan asked. I laughed, pointing at Bra, who was still working her way up the slope.

"She had to get ready, which in turn took about half an hour." Pan shook her head at me, and then he and Marron ran to give Bra a hug. I sighed.

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