Conflict Resolution

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I took the day off for this. I am GOING TO GIT DIS SHIT OFF MY CHEST. A few moments later I hear the slamming door of Luna's black Nissan rogue sport as he screeches and peels his way outta the house. This has to stop already. I send another Wulf Speak to Alpha "Where are you?"

"Beta, Can it wait? I have priority with the Luna."

"No. It's a personal matter."

"Ok be there in ten minutes." When he asked me the first time, I put it off. Figuring it could wait. But now, the irritation in his voice told me otherwise. I stop what I was doing, close up the computers and head there. Whatever it was, it was important to him. So it is important. Since my return, both my mate and Beta have been distant from me. But I sense, for different reasons. Beta has told me he was pissed off with me straight out. Yet said Alejandro comes first. Randall's words were said with irritation to me "Fix that Ruben. He is hurting still". But what I don't know is why?

Randall, I suspect knows but. For the moment, has chosen NOT to enlighten me EITHER.

Alejandro, on the other hand, has just been distant with me after I returned withdrawing more and more from me. When I asked Sable he tells me to give him time. Crimson says the same thing. Arriving at the training grounds I go in. When I reach the Celestial grounds I see beta is there standing. I presume whatever it is. Will make him become emotional and that's why he wanted to meet here. I approach irritation in my voice "What is this about Beta?"

Speaking to Alpha, my tone shows its tension "I brought you here because you owe me."

Cryptic just like his brother. I growl from this behavior. So fucking immature "Look, Randall, I don't have time for this what is this about? I have a lot to do and a lot of things to correct." Wrong question for me to have asked him as he explodes FULL FORCE AT ME NOW!

"MUTHA FUKA I AM GUNNA WHIP YO CUBAN MONKEY ASS FER GIVING UP !! DAT IS WHAT DA FUCK DIS ABOUT!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TA RESPECT, LET ALONE TRUST YOU!!! YOU ABANDONED Alejandro, YOU LEFT US!!! YA WAS KILLING ALL OF US, YA SELFISH MUTHA FUKA!!" I lunge full forced with all my thrusting fist. Releasing a held back punch that connects instantly with his eye, sending him toppling backward. Then I jump back, feeling hot and restricted I tear off my Jonny Versace shirt "GIT YO ASS UP MUTHA FUKA!! I AINT DONE!!

I admire Alejandro, my human soul companion's line of work, as a sign language interpreter. His hands produce art while I hear his mind feverishly breaking down the hearing structure, bridge the cultural differences then produce the linguistic sign equivalent from the spoken words and salient points of the teacher, into that of understanding for our deaf wulves, while maintaining the same meaning of the teacher. As I am astrally watching, Crimson interrupts via Wulf Speaking with me privately, "Mate, it has begun." I interrupt Alejandro"Ale?"

"Yeah Sabe?" He switches with his relief interpreter another wer, informing him I am speaking with him thru a private Wulf Speak.

Then heads to go outside the classroom to continue our conversation. Once outside I tell him "THEY are in the training grounds. It has started"

For a moment I see him go deep in thought pausing not reaching for the door. His emotions are searing explosive impulse being fought against. But then it stops and he reaches for the doorknob re-entering the classroom I start "Crimson will not interfere out of his promise to Randall."

My wulf speak monotone responding "Sabe I know. I trust him, he is my mate too you know." I close my wulf speak and think of Crimson. A smile comes to my face as I open my thoughts to Sable "This is the second time he saved me Sabe. The first was when I had Amnesia and he appeared, standing in front of the shattered window. Then now when Rueben left me alone. I love him Sable, Just as much as I love Ruben. More importantly, I trust and I respect him. I always have since the first night I saw him and I know Sable, Crim will let them solve this. Let them have this for now ok?"

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