Understood Forgiveness

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I walk off with Robert. Once outside, however, I trot off . he shoots me a Wulf Speak as I do so "Luna you alright."

"I am trying to be Robert, but no I am not. I have never been in love Robert. I don' know how to get past this"

Anything I can do?"

I huff with Wulf Speak before answering him "Robert, your my brother's destined mate was the best thing that could happen to him. could you knock him in the head & kill his freakin pride?

I laugh as I shoot back a loud Wulf Spoken response "I'M HIS MATE LUNA !! NOT THE GODDESS!!" we both chuckle. Luna had stopped on the ridge so I caught up with him there. As I do we stood feeling the sunlight & it's warmth on our faces. We hear a groan behind us. We look back to see our mates emerging. With their shorter mothers struggling to support their boys. But support their boys they will regardless of the height difference.

I make a suggestion to Luna knowing the answer "We should go help them. Better yet, we should take over."

Luna watches as I do his wulf speak tone betraying him even though he was trying to be indifferent "eh, do we have to?" I release a whine intending it to sound sarcastic, instead, it shows my true desire. To do just as he spoke.

Although Luna wants to be with his mate as I do with mine, he will not. I hear the sarcasm in his wulf speak & the tone of frustration within. Silently Luna turns away from them to once again face the sun's warming rays. After a few seconds of watching them struggle, silently turning to the sun I join Luna. I know Luna loves Alpha I also know he wants answers for his action. Ones no-one can answer BUT Alpha. At this moment I realize, Luna DOESN'T know ALPHA. he only loves him. I know Alpha would not tell Luna how much he means to him but it is time he knew.

As we feel the sun's warmth on us, Robert goes into a conversation with a question "Luna do you still love Alpha? using Wulf Speak. without looking up to him I respond, "do you even have to ask?" he continues"Because as your brother-in-law I have to say love without knowing your mate does not give you peace of mind. Luna, you don't know who your mate is, do you?"

I thought I knew where he was going with this and why cutting him off from continuing "No Robert I know who he is. He is the wulf madly in love with me as I am with him. He is the wulf that saved my mind and keeps it whole. He is my morning alarm I wake up to every morning as he snores, reminding me he is not a dream, he is real. I often will turn laying there beside him happy, just happy. When he holds me, I no longer feel butterflies, or jitters anymore. My nerves no longer jump at his touch, I no longer yearn with an ache for him Because he has surpassed all that, and has become so much more Robert. Ruben is my peace, my center, the balance in our otherwise crazy world. When he touches me, I am reassured that I am safe, when I wake up beside him I see what I live for every day making each morning sun worth meeting. At night in his arms when we sit by the ridge nothing else exists. No greater peace will I find or have previously found. No other will there be for me. For he brought me home. Robert. All I will ever need is in his love, is in him. IS HIM."

For a moment I listen, left speechless listening to the soul my luna expresses. Describing Alpha, the powerful reason he lives for. I understand now, why the Goddess paired them. They are truly the same. Hearing him finish, I speak with more confidence knowing I am right, despite his profound devotion and love, he doesn't know his mate

"Is this all you see Alejandro?" Luna looks at me. "Because I remember a time not too long ago when I barely knew you Luna and you helped me with overcoming my own fear." Luna looks to me. By his eyes I know.... I have his full attention. Then he looks away again as I continue "I was terrified of having a mate. You helped me then so I will do the same now. I remember a Ruben having newly discovered his mate, being zealously in love with you. nervous, unsure, protective, excited. He did not know how to act around you remember?"

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