The Past

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     Yunlan's parents died in a car accident. Making him and his younger brother  Yubin orphans.

     Since Yunlan and Yubin is still young they were given to the orphanage for they haven't got any relatives. But even so Yunlan is thankful that he still have his precious younger brother Yubin with him. As every night Yubin would cuddle to him in his small bed. Because he still miss his parents, he always cry during the night, Yunlan would comfort him and tell him they will have a brighter future together forever. At age ten Yunlan learned to be tough for his younger brother Yubin whose only nine years old.

     One day the orphanage is preparing a party for the organization whose giving them money for the orphanage one of them a wealthy couple with a twin sons. As they were preparing for the birthday of the twins, the children are also helping in decorating hall for the party. When the time came for their benefactor to come, every children is line up to welcome them. As every children have a program to give to the twins. "Gege! I'm so excited on what they look like, they say they look like angels came from heaven. Yunlan almost laugh on it, every children looks like an angel! Even you, Yubin no one can compare to your cuteness!" As he pinched his little brother really hard. Yubin almost cried as he run after his big brother Yunlan. "Come and catch me if you can?!" He tease his little brother. "Yunlan! Yubin! Come back here!" One of the sisters shouted at them.

     Yunlan never looked at where his running until he bumped into a kid like him. "Ouch!" The kid said. "Sorry! I didn't mean to bump at you?!" As Yunlan reach for the hand of the kid. He was stunned for a moment as the kid looks like an angel who came from heaven. Even though his still a kid like him he was already gorgeous. As Yunlan apologize over and over. Making the kid giggle in response. Yunlan laugh as well until he notice something different from him. "Are you blind?" He accidentally said. The kid suddenly stopped laughing. "Yes, I'm here with my brother but he left me suddenly, my name is Shen Wei." As he reach for his hand. "Yunlan! Is my name!" As he take his hand. "Wow! Your hand is quiet soft! Yunlan shouted, making Shen Wei giggle again. Yunlan never knew a kid like him can make his heart almost leap up from his chest and that laughter is making his mind fly through the clouds. As  he said accidentally, "You know they are right you look like an angel!" As he slap his mouth for saying that. Little Shen Wei is a bit suprise, no one had told him he looked like an angel, his Didi is always been the one been praising by his parents and the others. For he is the blind twins that only sit at the corner that nobody got interested in talking to him. As he suddenly hold Yunlan's hand, "Can you be my guide, since my brother left me here?" As he giggle non stop. Yunlan was a bit suprised and quiet happy. He never have a cute friend like him. Well he never have a friend at all since his all attention is to his little brother who suddenly slapped him from behind. "Ouch!" Yunlan almost jump away. Yubi suddenly stopped his anger to his big brother. As he saw the cute kid whose holding his brother. "Gege! Whose he?!" As he suddenly felt jealous because his big brother still grip the hand of the kid. "Oh! His Shen Wei one of the twins were waiting, the one that looks like an angel. As he forgot again and put his hand to his mouth to shot himself up. Yubin was shocked while Shen Wei giggle again. "Your brother is so funny!" Yubin is gazing at his brother in a different way. "What?!" Yunlan said. As he pull Shen Wei toward the hall. Tailing by Yubin.

     "There you are! Wei!" As Shen Wei mother take his hand away from Yunlan. And ruffle Yunlan's hair, " Thank you little one for giving me back my son. "What's your name little one and who is your companion. "My name Zhao Yunlan! And this is my little brother Yubin!" Suddenly the mother of Shen Wei cup Yubin's face, "You have a beautiful eyes Yubin!" She told him
"It is perfect for my little Shen Wei." She tell herself. Yubin was quiet happy, because Shen Wei's mother remind her of her mother as that fragrance lingers in his cute nose. "Do you wanted to be a part of our family?'' She ask. As Yubin smile change and quickly went to his brother behind. "I'm sorry but I won't leave my Gege behind!" As he clutches Yunlan's shirt. Yunlan suddenly become protective to his Didi, "Sorry mam! His not for adoption!" As he also hold his little brother. "Yunlan!Yubin! Come here!" As one of the sisters came. "Sorry madam, if you like little Yubin you can go to our office for the papers you needed." As she pulled the two brothers to the hall for the performance will begin.

     As the children align to go on the stage. Yunlan can't help to look at Shen Wei's way. He notice his a little bit sad in hearing his words against his mother. As Yunlan saw his obnoxious twins who always smirking, as his getting bored to all the program the kids are doing. As his brother is up for singing. His little brother can't help to be frighten as no words is coming out from his cute mouth. "Hey! Will you be singing or not! Said the twins of Shen Wei. "Yezun! Shot your mouth!" Said Shen Wei. Yunlan suddenly get on the stage with his brother as he hold his little hand. He suddenly sing the song which his brother intended. Making the twins stop fighting each other as they heard the angelic voice of Yunlan. Yubin suddenly join in the singing as he grip his big brother's hand. As they finished the song everyone clapped their hand including Shen Wei. "Gege! They like our song!" As Yubin smile to Yunlan. "I told you! Children are angel!" As he smile back to Yubin.

     Years pass by, as Yunlan gave a flower to the grave of his beloved little brother. As it engrave there, "Yubin May My Little Angel Sleep Here!" While Yunlan clean his brothers grave, "They will pay for what they have done to you!" He said to himself. As he almost cried. "Hey! Yunlan are you finished yet! We needed at the club! We can't be late!" As Da quing called him.  Yunlan look back at the grave for the last time before he gone to the jeep as they speed away toward the city.

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