I Won't Let You Go

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     Yunlan wake up and was suprise as his back to his angel house and was handcuff again. As he tried to take it off but fail and realize he still naked to the core. He suddenly wrapped himself with the blanket and tried to reach the cabinet.

     But epically fail, as he suddenly fall at floor with a thud. Suddenly a laughter he heard. Standing in front of him is his angel with a tray of food. He quickly wrapped himself again as he stand up and back away a little. As Shen Wei sit on the bed and laid the tray there. And he motion for Yunlan to sit with him.
Yunlan has second thoughts and shake his head. Shen Wei do his stotic looks and patted on the bed again. As he pulled Yunlan to sit beside him. "Are you scared of me now?" Shen Wei ask. Yunlan laugh a little, "Why should I?!" As Shen Wei got near to his face Yunlan back away a little and swallow hard. "Here! I just only want  to feed you?" As Shen Wei spoon feed him. Yunlan forgot he still didn't have breakfast and his stomach is growling loudly, that making him red in embarrassment. As he took his offer. Shen Wei caress his cheek and tell him they will have a day off together, just the two of them and wants to talk about what happened last night. Yunlan suddenly think as he took Shen Wei's hand, "Will you really help me?!" He ask. Shen Wei looked confuse to him. But having Yunlan loving him again he will do anything even giving up his life. As he said, "Yes, you know for you I'll do anything." As he kiss Yunlan's hand. Making Yunlan hitch his breath as that soft lips touched his hand. While gazing at his beautiful eyes, you can forgot anything just by looking at them. Yunlan almost forgot he have only one hand in which Shen Wei is holding while the other is handcuff on the board. His blanket almost slipping away from his bare naked body. As he saw Shen Wei blushed and cough a little for he seeing something else. He quickly took back his hand and hold his blanket back, "Ah.... Could you take this handcuff first my hand is getting hurt now?" As he laugh a little.

     Minute pass, as Yunlan had put on his clothes and shoes. He told Shen Wei about his problem. The sudden death of his little brother. Since he was also small back then he never had a chance to defend him. And that family took away his Didi then. A few years pass by he was notify by one of the nun that's taking care of them, Yubin suddenly died without any cause as he only remember the scent of the woman who took away his little brother. As Shen Wei suddenly ask, "Then why did you grip my mother and telling her, she's the one who took away your brother? Anyone could be, her friends also have  the same perfume she's using?" As Yunlan calmly looked at Shen Wei, " Then can you ask her if she knows anyone who adopt a little boy back then?" As Shen Wei smile and nod in return. "But for now let's go to somewhere else to ease your tension." As he went to Yunlan's side as he cling his arms around him and rubbed his shoulder. Making Yunlan lean to him. "Why not it's always be fun if your always at my side." Shen Wei can't help forming a smile upon his lips as his Yunlan trust him again.

     As they went to a beach were there's no one there, first it was an ordinary day, everyone is working or at school, no vendors or people roaming around there just the two of them. As they were walking at the beach. Yunlan was quiet happy enjoying Shen Wei's company as he accidentally said let's do this always even though we're married! I mean... let's do this every weekend. As he removed his hands to Shen Wei and walk quickly so Shen Wei might not see his red face. Shen Wei suddenly giggle on what Yunlan had say as he also walk fast to get Yunlan's hand again. "Are you thinking forever with me?" As Shen Wei lean his head on Yunlan shoulder. "Why yes!" He quickly reply. "As I imagining it we live in a small house with our dozen of children and......" Shen Wei suddenly cut him. "What dozen?! Why so many? And whose gonna produce the babies?" As Shen Wei pop his beautiful eyes. "Well it's just a dream, I guess....and I really want many children because I only have Yubin back then, his such a little monster who always took my favorite toys. If I have many siblings back then....maybe...I won't miss him so much.... Luckily Da quing came to the orphanage his the one who replace the empty space of Yubin and I quickly recover from my lost. I thought I'll never survive back then, as you came as well." Shen Wei was suprise on that. "I never told you I also was pierce by Cupid's arrow when I first saw you." Shen Wei never thought of that, he only knew his the only one who got interested on Yunlan and now? Yunlan is reveling his also have love at first sight to him. Maybe he can use this information to his advantage. As he think. While Yunlan continue his story. "I thought you can't be interested on someone as plain as me. But Da quing pin point you to me, that your looking at my way. I thought he was just joking, but when I look at you. Your intensly gazing at me. So I tried to look cool for you as I tried lifting the tables and chairs all by myself without the help of the others. Da quing laugh at me back then as I got a soar muscle. Boss Chu suddenly gave me an energy drink that's what I thought and I ended up in your arms when I woke up. As he laugh. What kind of fate we have?!" As he hold Shen Wei's arm firmly.

     "Hey, do you want to swim?!" Yunlan ask. Shen Wei was about to say no, for it's still cold early in the morning. But alas Yunlan took his clothes off and shoes forgetting Shen Wei is getting a better view on him.... He suddenly motion for Shen Wei to get in the water. Shen Wei shake his head. But as Yunlan suddenly make him take off his clothes and shoes as well his glasses off. He suddenly lift the struggling Shen Wei and thrown him in the water with him. Shen Wei suddenly scream as the water is too cold as Yunlan laugh at him. "I'm gonna get you for this!" As Shen Wei tried to swim to the cold water to get Yunlan. On the other hand Yunlan run through  the water, as Shen Wei caught his underwear  short he accidentally pulled them out. Yunlan shriek, "Give me back that?!" As his now the one running after Shen Wei. As Shen Wei trip on something in the water and throw Yunlan short in the middle and swiftly taken away by the sea. Yunlan can't believe it. As Shen Wei said, "Oops!" Minute pass, Shen Wei tried to suppress his laugh. As Yunlan tried to walk without his shorts only his pants as it sticking at his back. "Are you alright?" Ask Shen Wei. "It's easy for you to say?!" Said Yunlan. As Shen Wei suddenly slapped at his back. Making Yunlan yelp in suprise and run after him which is very difficult. Suddenly Shen Wei's phone ring. His mother calling him back to the house. Yunlan suddenly embrace him at the back as he kiss him none stop making Shen Wei laugh, "Wait Yunlan! Mother's calling." As Shen Wei gone to a corner to talk to his mother. Yunlan's face suddenly change as he felt a storm was about to come not for him but for Shen Wei's mother. As he smirk.

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