Don't Judge The Book By Its Cover

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Unknown to Shen Wei and Yezun his father have a photographer that tailing on every movement they made. Shen Wang lo waited for her wife to come back. As she came he thrown the pictures at the table. Did you know your twins almost fight to the death because of dancer?!"

May Lin just look at it, "Oh! Those two! Don't worry I'll talk to them. And that handsome guy is not a dancer his a bouncer at a club and finishing his Accountancy in the University where Wei works. Wang lo suddenly stand, "What?! His a student at the University!" He shouted at his wife. His wife just glared at him, "Don't you dare shout at me! And don't get in the way of our sons happiness especially Shen Wei! Or you will deal with me!" As she walk away from his husband. His husband just throw the pictures away except one, Yunlan's picture. "I will deal with anything I want, especially my Shen Wei. As he call his assistant at the phone, "Wang! Call Yezun and Shen Wei tell them I'm inviting them at my party quickly!" As he hang the phone. "Oh! I 'll treat you right! I'm gonna humiliate you infront of everybody, let see if you still want Shen Wei after that?!" As he smirk.

In the school, "This time I'm gonna put my foot down!" Said Yunlan as he saw the target, the love of his life, his angel and most of all his future wife. Yes, Yunlan is been daydreaming Shen Wei we're they would live in a little house as his beloved with an apron cooking for him. As him and his dozen of children waiting for the foods that Shen Wei is preparing. "Yes.....My future wife......How lovely seeing that beautiful face of him, it's like magic as the sun bringing a brighter day to his cold, lonely life....." As he keep dreaming his target pass by him with a paper that his reading. "Oh! *BLEEP!* As he ran after him and reach for his shoulder, Shen Wei was suprise seeing Yunlan reach for him. "What do you want student?" As he tried to wink to Yunlan but epically fail. Yunlan want to laugh on it but he supres it for he need his permission to go with Da quing to get the papers he need. As he lied again that Da quing and him will be hanging on the mall. Shen Wei smile back at him as he said the magic word, "No. Sorry Yunlan my father is inviting us to go to his party and your invited as well!" Yunlan want to pop his eyes off, as his request were nullified again. "We will go to a party? Again?!" Shen Wei look everywhere if there's a student or people, as he so lucky there's none. He caress Yunlan's face, "Look my love my father and I never been in good terms, but maybe he have a change of heart so he wants to meet you! You don't have to worry I'll be there to protect you!" As he kiss him lovingly. Yunlan quickly nod in reply as he gaze to that beautiful eyes of Shen Wei. "So, I'll be waiting for you in the car this evening, okey!" As he bid him farewell and walk away. He never notice Da quing is at his back, "Putting you foot down eh? He already decided for you?!" As he laugh crazy. Yunlan almost kick him but Da quing quickly evade it. "You fat cat!" As Yinlan shout at him. "Why sly fox! Oh! No! What am I thinking?! Your not a fox anymore but a rabbit ready to be eaten by the wolf!" As he tease Yunlan. Yunlan had enough of it as he ran after Da quing almost making a ruckus scene at the campus.

As the party of his father came, May Lin can't believe that his husband invited his twins. As she eagerly await them at the door with his husband who welcoming his old friends and partners in his business. First it was Yezun came as she hug him, his father welcome him too. "Dear could you accompany Mrs. Tan to her seat for she doesn't have anyone to talk too." His husband request. Unknown to people that the parents of Shen Wei is a little bit showy, in the outer they are happily married couple who understand they're gay son's but in reality they always fight non stop as the other beliefs is clashing to the other . "But I'm waiting for Shen Wei and his boyfriend." She complain. "Don't worry, I will welcome them and beside I have invited them. As May Lin went to Mrs. Tan to accompany her. When Shen Wei, Yunlan came additional Da quing. Wang lo welcome them with open arms. Making Shen Wei suspicious. But to Yunlan having to be welcome by your father in law to be is a suprise to him. As he happily hug him forgetting to bow first. Mr. Shen was shocked as he tried to get out of Yunlan's embrace. "Your really are quiet something?!" As he pat Yunlan's shoulder. As he was shocked again as he saw another person. "This sir is my friend Da quing he will accompany me here too. Mr. Shen tried his best to smile as he welcome him too.

As they were at the table and eating the foods that the waiters given to him. Mr. Shen made a speech on how he build his company with the help of his partners. As he introduce his twin sons Shen Wei and Yezun. Who tried bitterly smiled to one another.
As he told to his visitors his twin sons knows how to play the piano. As two piano emerge from the set one is white while the other is black.
"I didn't know Shen Wei knows how to play the piano?" Da quing whispered to Yunlan. As Yunlan was suprise as well. Shen Wei plays with the color black piano as Yezun with white. As they start to play the piano, "The River Flows", Yunlan was dreaming again that his wifey is playing the piano in their cute little house with his dozen of children, as they all listening to him. Yunlan remember his mother once playing a piano piece "Swan Lake", he once have a dream of becoming a pianist someday.

As the play ended with a clapped of the people. Suddenly Mr. Shen called Yunlan unexpectedly. As Yunlan and Da quing looked at each other, "Why his calling you? Oh! My god! Is Shen Wei proposing to you?" Da quing ask. Yunlan is confuse as well as Shen Wei and Yezun. As Yunlan went on the stage. At first Shen Wei's father praise his son for every accomplishment his done. As he made Yunlan sit on the chair we're the piano stood. "I hope his other half is as good as him? As he pat Yunlan's shoulder. "Yunlan do you know how to play the piano?" Yunlan was shocked as well as Shen Wei and Da quing. "Because I want my son to marry someone whose elegant and well educated. Not someone who work at a club!" People started laughing. May Lin was shocked on what's his husband have done. Suddenly Yunlan bang on the piano, as everybody stop even Mr. Shen. As Yunlan start playing "Beethoven- Moonlight Sonata lll". As he was playing, "My mother taught me this sir when she was alive. As the piece becoming faster and faster. Everybody was astounded, even Mr. Shen. "I should have been a pianist if my parents were alive!" As the piece became faster and faster. "But alas they left me and my brother alone." And as he finished the last piece, he swing his hand on the keyboard. As he finished it with a bang. Everybody stand up and clapped their hands. As Yunlan took the microphone from the speechless Mr. Shen Wei, "I still have one more talent left! I dedicated this song to my beloved Shen Wei!" As everyone cheers for him. As he sing the song "Little Luck." Shen Wei can't believe his Yunlan is a pianist as well as a great singer. His voice is like an angel, as he remembered the little boy from the orphanage. Yezun remember it as well as their mother. "That song! No!" She told herself. As she almost lost her balance. Luckily Da quing was their to caught her."No! Not that song!" She almost cried as she looked to her son, Shen Wei. Her Shen Wei have fallen in love to the brother of the little boy who she took his eyes off to give to Shen Wei. "What will happen if Yunlan found out that the eyes of his little brother is been given to Shen Wei." As she cried, while Da quing looked confuse on her. "Is Yunlan song is so touching? That can make anyone cry?" While Yunlan is singing he only look at his angel. As if they are the only two people there.

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