Disaster at the Wedding

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      As a woman saw Yunlan been shot, she scream and pointed a finger on Aaron. Making everyone look a him. Yi was furious, as Aaron smirk at him, "Your too late!" As he ran to the nearest exit, Yi ran after him.

     While Shen Wei ran to his husband. "Yunlan! No!!!" As he lift his husband's body Da quing and Yezun ran towards them as the guests went out of control and tried to ran at the nearest door. Yang and his father tried to get to Yunlan quickly but the crowd is making it impossible.

     Yunlan is taken to the nearest hospital, as theirs blood dripping on his stomach. And as they wait outside the emergency room. Shen Wei can't help to cry while his brother comforts him. As Da quing and the others waited for the result. Mr. Zhao ask furiously on where is Yi?" "He is still running after the killer!" Said Yang. Moment later as the doctor's appeared. "Sir, the patient is now okey the bullet just scratch his stomach!" As he brought the toy. "Luckily he have this toy unto him or the bullet will went through to him." Shen Wei suddenly said, "Can we see him now?!" As the doctor nod, "He is now in the private room just resting."

     As they come to the room, Shen Wei suddenly hugged his Yunlan whose just sitting on the bed. "We're so worried about you?!" As Shen Wei cried to him. "I'm sorry when that guy shot me, I thought it went through me and fainted. And the last thing I know I'm here already! My beautiful bride don't cry anymore! I'm still here! And can we have some food? I'm starving!" All were shocked, "Is that all what your thinking?!" Da quing shout angrily. As they all laugh. Yunlan was confused, "I'm really hungry?!"

     A minute pass, Yi called his master the gun man was resisting arrest and was shot by a policeman. As they got the cellphone that been use and knows the culprit, who is the father of Shen Wei.

     Next day as many reporters trying to interview the couple, "What can you say that your father in law is the one that wants you dead?" One of them said. Yunlan just smile to the camera, "Hey! Dad! I'm still alive here!" Coincidence Shen Wei's father was watching as he punch his fist on the table. "What he is still alive! And I'm not your Dad!"" While the report give the microphone to Shen Wei, "What would you say to your father now that they know he order it?" He only said is, "No comment!" And walk away pulling Yunlan away from the reporters.

      As they went to their private jet plane to get to their honeymoon destination. Yunlan who run around just like a kid, I never ride a plane before, as he look at everything. Suddenly the flight stewardess came, "Please fasten your seatbelt sir, we gonna take off." As Shen Wei help Yunlan on his seat belt. "Thank you! My angel!" As he kiss him on the cheek making Shen Wei blushed. Yunlan was calm but when the plane take off.  And it gets higher. He felt so uneasy on his seat and felt dizzy. "Shen Wei I think I'm gonna puke!" His angel suddenly took a paper bag in one of the seats and give it Yunlan. "It's okey! Yunlan I'm here!" As he rubbed Yunlan shoulder. "Could  you hold my hand? My angel?" As Shen Wei hold his hand with worried on his eyes.

      When the plane landed on a private island in Hawaii. Yunlan's servants and body guards are waiting for them. As they emerge from the plane they all bow to them and two women gave them a ring white flowers to welcome. "Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii! My name is Liam I'll be your host for today, "Young master and mistress!"

     As they came to their room, Yunlan eagerly open the bags so they might change into beach outfit.
Yunlan wear a gray short, sando(sleeves undershirt), a red floral polo with slippers while Shen Wei wear a  blue short, a white sando, a blue floral polo and slippers as well. As Yunlan dragged Shen Wei at the beach,  the view was breath taking, the sea is  blue clear water and the sun shine brightly which made Yunlan wear sunglasses. As he enterwined his finger to his dear husband. And walk on the beach. They can't help to look to one another lovingly. Shen Wei blushed as he smile to his beloved husband. "Shen Wei!  Let's take a selfie post with my phone!" As they post and click the phone, Yunlan suddenly stole a kiss from a suprise Shen Wei. Shen Wei almost slapped him from the shoulder but Yunlan evade him. Until they running non stop. "Come and get me!" Said the teasing Yunlan. But he never anticipate his angel is quite faster. He suddenly grip his polo and ripped it from his back. "Ooops....Shen Wei blushed. "Ayah! My clothes! Shen Wei why did you do that?!" Yunlan complain as he take off the polo as well his sando who is now half pieces. Shen Wei can't stop staring to Yunlan lean muscular body as he reaches his back and caress we're he almost scratch Yunlan after tearing his clothes in half. He swallowed hard. As he kiss his shoulder and hugged Yunlan at the back. Yunlan anger subside. As he felt Shen Wei's kiss and embrace.  He pout a little and face his angel. "Let's go for a swim!" Shen Wei suddenly pop his eyes off. "Wait I'm not suited to swim!" As he try to reason with Yunlan. "Don't tell me your still shy to get naked?! Look this is a private island there's no one here but us and the servants won't come here unless we told them too!" As he wiggle his brow. Shen Wei blushed and was about to back a little. Yunlan suddenly tightly hold him into place, as he took off one by one his clothes. Shen Wei yelp as Yunlan take off his short and was thrown to the sea. As Yunlan take off his shorts and went swimming toward Shen Wei. "How could you do this to me!" Shen Wei yell. But as Yunlan embrace and kiss him hard. "At least the water is not cold here unlike in our country." Shen Wei melt  in his hold. As  Yunlan continue his kiss.  They didn't notice there were monkeys on the island, one by one the monkeys took their clothes and even Yunlan cellphone.

     As Shen Wei notice there clothes are gone, he tried to break the kiss with Yunlan. "Hey! What?" Yunlan was confused. "Our clothes are gone!" Shen Wei shout at him. "Oh...let them have it!" As he was about to continue the kiss. "Yunlan!"
Shen Wei was furious. "Okey! Fine!" As ran back to beach wearing nothing and ran after the monkey. Shen Wei can't help to look at that beautiful view, making him hot and red. While the unaware Yunlan is getting tired, for the monkeys run faster and climbing at the trees. As he only get  one short and one boxer. He suddenly turn toward Shen Wei and wave the clothes on his hand, unaware his husband is becoming flustered for giving him a beautiful view on him at the front.
Minute pass as Shen Wei is the only one who wear the boxer and short. Yunlan just made a leaves skirt under him, which still revealing everything. "Stupid monkey! He ruin our romantic day! And now we have to go back to get some clothes." A blushing Shen Wei suddenly lean to him and embrace him. Yunlan felt his husband hot body. As he shyly said, "We could still continue if you want too, we can come back to the room when it's already dark, that no one can see us?" Yunlan suddenly smirk and face a red Shen Wei as he cling his arm to his husband, "If that is your wish I would gladly do it!" As he bit his own lips and wink to his blushing angel. And gave him a long lasting kiss.

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