Getting Away From It All

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     Because Yunlan had visited Shen Wei at school, he also want to suprise Yunlan as well, he didn't know he will be the one to be suprise.

     As early as morning, while Yunlan is off to work he taught he could be with his angel but this day is not his luck. For today he will have a class on how to shot a gun, boxing, fencing, aikido, horse back riding and many more. "Nooooo!!!!" As he slumped on the table. His uncle Yang told him he must know that for if he meets his clients and other partners in the business he must know their hobbies as well. As he saw his angel walking toward him and kiss him on the cheek, "Sorry Yunlan I got to leave for school, good luck on your studies as one of their cars fetch Shen Wei and drove away. "Noooo!!!!" As he tried reaching Shen Wei but he was gone. "Your so dramatic my nephew of mine! Well it's time to learn to shot now. As he pulled the unwilling Yunlan to him.

     His first lesson is how to hold and shot a gun, as he tried to shot the target he always miss it and he almost shot the instructor. At another lesson boxing, he boast to his uncle his a street kid and can easily evade any opponents fist. He don't need this in lesson. As the bell ring. One to two punch he was knock out in a minute. In fencing he was trilled for he always play sword fighting to Da quing, as he tried to pierce his opponent with a sword, he never knew that his opponent move forward and forward while striking him with his sword, as he was shoved to the ground. While in horse back riding. As his trainer trying to get the horse just to run slowly, Yunlan clutches the horse with his dear life. And almost screaming at his lungs for he might fall.

     While in the school, Shen Wei is preparing to finish his lesson  so he might suprise Yunlan and fetch him instead of him this time.  His so called friends is now staying away from him because of the insidence. As he called Yunlan's uncle on where Yunlan's having his lesson.

     Yunlan on the other hand was lying on the bench and quiet tired. As he have a wet towel on his face. "Young master we still have more lesson to go!" Said Yi. "What?!" As Yunlan sit. Yi gave him the list and almost he want to faint. As Yi just turn at his back. Yunlan tip toe to get away only to be bump to his new sensei in aikido. "Hello there young master!" Minute pass, as Shen Wei came, he see Yi standing in the corner. While his love is wrestling his sensei in aikedo. He accidentally shout Yunlan's name. Making Yunlan distract and wave to him the next thing happened he was flipped up by his sensei and fall on the floor. "Uh....! That hurt!" Said Yi to himself. Shen Wei run toward Yunlan. "My back I think you broke it!!!" Cried Yunlan. His sensei trying to repair his back. As Yi about to help his young master, Shen Wei suddenly shove him aside. As his the one who lift Yunlan to the infirmary. "Wow! Young master mistress is strong?!"The shock Yi said to himself.

     As Shen Wei laid Yunlan at the infirmary. "Yunlan we're does it hurt?!" He ask worried while caressing his back. Yunlan suddenly wink to him. "Huh?!" And suddenly kiss him. "Let's get out of here?!" Said Yunlan as he pull Shen Wei away from the nurse room. "What are you doing? Are you only pretending you got hurt?!" He whispered to him while running. "Yes! I'm just waiting for the right moment and here you are?! My savior!" He said while smiling to him. "I want to get away for a while with you by my side!" As he saw a taxi he hailed at it and they got in it. As he gave an address the driver and drove away into the end of the city we're Yunlan's old home again.

     As Yunlan open his house again, suddenly Shen Wei lift him instead, "What?! Are you doing?! I'm the groom I should be the one carrying you!" As he struggle to his hold. "Your so tired I can't let my groom get exhausted! And beside I'm the groom here!" Said Shen Wei. "What?! No!" Yunlan wyn.  As he was carefully laid on the bed. Yunlan sit up as he flipped Shen Wei under him and laid his body on him. Shen Wei was shocked to react. As Yunlan complain to him. "My sweet angel can we do this for a while I'm quiet weary already." As he hugged Shen Wei on the bed. "Why not?" As he caress Yunlan's hair making him more sleepy than before. They didn't notice Yunlan's cellphone is beeping because he silent it as well as Shen Wei. As Shen Wei kiss his beloved head he also relax on his hold and sleep. In Yunlan's dream he was happy running after Shen Wei. As Shen Wei looked  at the back, "Yunlan catch me?!" As his taking one by one his clothes off. In a lightning speed he catches Shen Wei's shoulder and cup his face as he was about to kiss him, Yi face appeared. "Young master why did you run away?!" As he do his sinister smile. Yunlan shriek and was awaken by someone lifting him at the back as he saw Shen Wei was tailing him and not quiet happy about it with another body guard on his side. As he looked whose lifting him it was Yi. "How did you find us?!" He ask. "We have attached a homing device both of your cellphone in case like this, young master!" As they were both brought back to the car and speed away. Yunlan just lean to Shen Wei, while he envelopes him into his embrace. "What a waste I was hoping we could sleep there until the next day to see the morning shine. Shen Wei just caress his shoulder and as he cup Yunlan's face he kiss him softly. "Maybe some other time. I'll be the one whose gonna surprise you!" As he hugged Yunlan's tightly.

     Minute pass, as they were confront by an angry uncle Yang. He scolded them for what they have done. "You my dear nephew would be sleeping in another room for now on until weekend so you may intensely immerse in studying!" Yunlan's eyes want to pop out. "No!!!!" As Yang look at Shen Wei I'm sorry but you must understand your a diversion to Yunlan studying! Your the eldest between the two of you, I hope you understand it. The servants will take your stuff and put it to another room." As he leave. Yunlan and Shen Wei looking at one another. "It's only during school days? Weekend we can....." As Shen Wei stop as he saw his lover reaction. As Yunlan suddenly embrace him. "I don't know if I can sleep without you by my side!" Yunlan wyn. As Shen Wei can do is to pat his back shoulder.

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