Chapter 1

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Ed Sheeran FanFiction

(All Lily's POV)

Lily's POV

Sunlight pours into my small room, I yawn and get out of my cozy bed. I wish I could just sleep all day and not worry about anything at all but I guess that's all just a dream. The light blue walls of my small room seem to give my room more light, I walk to my closet and slip on a purple tank top and dark blue skinny jeans and also my high-top converse which I seriously cannot live without. My dark brown hair is wavy and has bleached ends that were once a dark blue, my eyes are a dark brown that look lighter in the right sunlight.

 I live alone in an apartment on the good side of town, when I say good I mean there is no stealing or murders. Where are my parents? Back in California where I once lived, I simply moved because I’ve always wanted to travel the world and I'm working on accomplishing just that. Being only 16 years old it is very hard to find a well-paying job to get the money so I can actually travel. But that doesn't bother me at all because it's all about the journey, right?






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