Chapter 11

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"Yes! You voice is amazing and the songs you come up with are original and from personal experiences which makes them unique. I love your voice and you can play the guitar nicely!" I babble on about how talented he is which causes him to blush a deep shade of red.

"Are you blushing? Did I make THE Ed Sheeran blush?" I mock him from yesterday, he blushes even more and looks down, I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek.

I walk into the kitchen and start making eggs and toast. Ed walks into the kitchen and pulls out his guitar, as I cook the food Ed strums cords on his guitar and sings a few folk tale songs and a few songs of his own. I listen to his voice as it flows throughout my apartment, when I finish cooking Ed and I dig in and start talking about his songs and the meaning behind them.

"What's the one song about angels mean?" I ask him because he hadn't explained that one and it is my favorite, Ed looks down at his hands. I can tell this is a touchy subject for him.

"It's about my friend who was a prostitute. She was a good person but just couldn't find her own way through life." He explains to me, I nod and grab his and my empty plates and place them in the sink.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask him politely, he nods his head and sits on the couch with me. I look through the movies on Netflix and pick out Shrek, Ed's attention goes directly to the TV screen.

He really means something to me. Should I tell him? What if he doesn't even like me back? What if he leaves? I could show him.






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