Chapter 5

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I'm half way through my strumming session when I realize I'm strumming the same melody that Ed was playing when I first saw him playing at the fountain, I play it again and attempt to add words but can't find the right ones. As I try and try to find the right words, guilt fills me. This is Ed's song, I shouldn't mess with it. I guess I'll just have to ask him tomorrow to play it for me and clue me in on the words and the meaning behind them.

I place my guitar down in the corner and climb into my cozy bed where I spend the whole night thinking about this Ed guy, what is happening. Lily, you need to stop worrying about Ed and get some sleep, my mind starts to worry about where Ed is and if he's safe. I get out of bed and head to the bathroom where a cabinet of medications is sitting, I open the cabinet and find sleeping pills. I unscrew the bottle and take two of the little white pills, then I place the bottle back and climb into bed once more to finally fall asleep.






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