Chapter 6

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Annoying sunlight blinds me as I open my eyes to a new day, I quickly get out of bed and change from my fuzzy pajamas to a pair of skinny jeans, white tank top, grey jacket, and converse. I run back to my room and grab my phone and guitar, I pull the guitar strap over my head and swing the guitar to my back where it will rest until I meet up with Ed. I wonder what his last name is. Is Ed really his full name?

I walk down the streets and hear Ed's melody again, I grin as I walk closer and closer to the fountain. Once I reach the fountain, Ed stops playing and smiles at me, I smiles back and sit next to him with my guitar in hand.

"You came!" He cheers happily and strums a few cords on his guitar.

"Why wouldn't I?" I reply and start to play the melody that Ed was playing yesterday, he looks at me with a cheesy smile and begins to play the same chords as me. We strum the chords together, Ed starts to sing a few words, and I listen closely as each word is sung. His songs tell stories, so he is a songwriter? Once we finish the song Ed smiles at me.






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