Chapter 8

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"Nice apartment." He mentions, I shrug and rest my guitar on the kitchen table, Ed does the same and sits on the couch. I sit next to him, an awkward silence takes over.

"So, tell me about yourself." I say to break the silence.

"My names, Ed Sheeran. I'm 16 and I left my home, I play guitar and sing as you know. I have crazy ginger hair and blue eyes, uhh, I have poor eyesight and bad hearing. Also, I have an older brother named Matthew. Tell me about you." Ed says and becomes more comfortable on the couch.

"My names Lily Davis, 16 years old and I left home to travel the world but I'm stuck here. I sing and also play guitar, I have my wavy brown hair and brown eyes and that's about it." I tell him and shrug at the end.

"Nice to meet you, Lily. You seem like a cool girl." He compliments, I feel my cheeks heat up. I look down before Ed can see but it's too late.

"Is Ms. Davis blushing? Did I make THE Lily Davis blush?" Ed gasps dramatically, I smack his arm playfully.

"You did not!" He gasps again and starts to tickle me, I start laughing really hard since I'm extremely ticklish. I squirm around and poke Ed in his side, he lets out a quiet yelp and glares at me, I giggle and do it again.

"Stop!" Ed whines as I keep poking his sides. I only met this crazy ginger yesterday and it feels like he's been my best friend forever. After the tickle war, Ed decides to fall asleep on my shoulder half way through a move we were watching. I groan and try to move but Ed wraps his arms around my waist.






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