Chapter 7

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"Did you like it?" He asks me.

"The song has a lot of meaning. I like it a lot. Who's it about?" I ask him as a small breeze blows at my hair.

"Uhh, my old friend." He reveals quietly, the happiness that was once in his eyes disappears. Instead of happiness his eyes now have a dull look to them, was it something I said?

"Ed? Are you alright?" I ask cautiously in case he snaps at me or yells at me. He looks up at me with a sad look but quickly recovers and sends me a small smile, I return the smile and we start another song.

Ed and I sang and played our guitars until the sun set and there was almost over $20 in Ed's guitar case that he sets out for tips. Come on Lily, grow a pair and ask if he would like to stay the night with you because it doesn't look like he has a place to stay at!

"Where do you stay?" I ask Ed quietly, he looks over at me and shrugs.

"Wherever I plan on sleeping. Some night I'll stay the night at a Motel and on a park bench. It's the way to survive." He explains and packs up his stuff.

"Do you want to stay at my apartment with me tonight?" I shyly ask, he smiles and wraps his arms around me in a huge hug, I hug back.

"Thank you." He replies.

"No problem." I tell him.

Ed and I walk through the streets until we reach my apartment, I unlock the door and lead Ed inside. Ed looks around the room as I lock the door again.






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