Chapter 2

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I grab my phone, wallet, and walk out the door of my apartment. I lock the door from the outside and head on my walk around town. As I walk through the streets I begin to hear a guitar playing, I follow where the music is coming from and also hear someone singing. I also play guitar but the melody that I am hearing is slow and sounds almost like a call for help, the voice adds a beauty to the music from the guitar. I finally find the source of the music that caught my attention, across the road is a fountain with a ginger haired boy with a guitar in hand.

Walking closer, the music gets louder and the words become clearer to me. I watch as he strums his guitar and sings the words to a song that I haven't heard before so I'm guessing that he made it up himself. His eyes are focused on his pale hand that is plucking the guitar strings, he doesn't seem to notice me watching. I look around and watch as people pass by him without even sparing a glance, I walk closer so I'm standing in front of him, he looks up and smiles at me while playing his guitar and singing his song.






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