Chapter 16

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*8 years later*

"You said everything will be alright in the end! Nothing is okay when our daughter is in the hospital and might even die!" I scream at Ed, Bella looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Go cool down." Ed sternly tells me, I walk out of the hospital room without another word. After a few minutes Ed comes into the hallway and sits next to me on the cold ground on the hospital.

"Everything will be alright. Bella will be fine and we can all go home as one big happy family. The doctors are trying the best they can." He soothes me and holds me in his arms.

"18 years old is too young. She still hasn't fully lived out her life, Ed." I cry onto his shoulder.

"Shh, it will be alright." He repeats and rubs my back in circles slowly.






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