Chapter 5

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*Amys POV*

I woke up to the sun shineing on my face.I got u and kissed Harrys cheek till he pulled me close to his body and starrted hugging me to death.I struggled in his very tight grip ''HELP SOMEONE HELP ME PWEESE''I yelled at the top of my lungs till the door opened and They started pulling me off of  Harry.I finally got up and started panting really fast till me breathing went back to normal.I hugged the closest one near me and it was Liam.I looked around i couldnt find Caitlin."Wheres Caitlin''I aske them.

*Caitlins POV*

I cant believe my mother wanted me back and the boys let me go but i feel sorry for Amy.I was dropped off home last night.I am practically in my bedroom.''CAITLIN DEEAR PLZ COME DOWN HERE''Mother yelled.''COMING''I yelled.I ran down stairs.''Yes mom''I said.''Well the only reason I wanted you back was so you can be my maid''She said with a smirk on her face..

*Amys POV*

''WE NEED TO GET HER RIGHT KNOW SHES IN TROUBLE HER MOTHER WOULDNT WANT HER AGAIN AFTER SHE WAS PRACTICALLY GIVEN TO YOU GUYS''I sad and rant to the door.I ran and ran till i got to her house.I took breaks dont worry.I walked to the tree by her window.I climbed it opened her window to see her crying.I walked up to her and gave her a hugg.She hugged me back.We packed up her bags and jumped out of her window.We ran till we got to the city with the bags.We started walking till the sun came out.We walked and walked with music on till we got to To our house.We got there and didnt see there car.I looked behind me and a white van was following us.i grabbed Caitlins hand and ran to the house opened the house door slammed it shut and put the couch infront of it locked all the windos and the door.i sighed in relief.''WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT''She yelled at me.There was this white vn following us so this basically explains it''I told her she shakes her head.I gave her a really sharp knife.''Hey just incase i will be on the roof spying on the white van okiee''I said she nodds her head.I grabbed my phone and turned my phone to se 50 miss calls from the boys.I grab atleast 10 knifes and go up the stairs to my room.I climbeed up out the window and up onthe roof.I looked threw my microscope and saw the white van parked infront the house.I layed down and army crawled to the middle of the house and called the po po.''Hello this 911 what seems to be the emergency''Lady asked.''Theres a white van parked infront of my house hurry u plz i have at least 10 knifes with me and and my sister is inthe house with knifes and the couch at the frontdoor and everything blocked and locked and im up on the roof spying on them''I said.''OKiay sweetheart you are prepared for everything to stay safe the police will be there in 5 seconds whats your house adress''Lady asked track me down cuz i moved here a week ago and my name is Amy styles horan payne malik tomlinson''I said.''Okiee we got it under controlla dnstay safe bye''She said.I went back to my window climbed in the house ran downstairs grabbed Caitlin got more kinfes and dragged her upstairs.''Do what I do''I said and she nodded her head.She climbed with me and I shut the window and locked and went to Caitlin.She did everything I did.We army climbed to the middle of the house.I called Liam and told hime everything.The ploice came and Arrested the guys.Liam and the boys came 5 minutes after and me and aitlin walked to the front of the house.I jumped down and so did Caitlin.I hugged Liam and started to fall asleep in his safe arms.My eyes fell shut and I entered the world of dreams.


A/N:Hey guys i hoped you liked this chapter.Share with friends,family,and cuzins.Bye till next time.


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