Chapter 8

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*Amys POV*

I woke up to my phone blarring MKTO-CLLASSIC.I grabbed it and tuned the  alarm off.I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face.I put on my wedges and headed down stairs.I went to the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar.I checked the time it was 6:50 inthe morning.I grabbed my luggaes and set them down by the door and did the same with the others.I layed down on the ground and i heard lpud foot steps.They all grabbeed there suitcases and ran out of the house.I grabbed mine and ran out the door.I closed the door and ran to the black van threw my luggage inthe trunk with the others and climbed inthe car and layed down in Louis.Harry.and Nialls lap.We got to the airport in 10 minutes.We got out took our luggages and followed the boys in the building.We went to the security check and all that stufff till we sat down in the plane.I sat down next to zayn,Niall and Louis,Harry and Caitlin,and then Liam is sitting next to paul.I snuggled into Zayn and inhaled his clogne.The plane took of and i started feeling sleepy.My eye lids became heavy every second.I shut my eyes and fell into the world of darkness...........

*Zayns POV*

Amy fell asleep and i was looking out the window.The lady said we can use our devics so I took out my phone and started to text perrie.I soon started feeling sleepy so I turned off my phone snuggled into Amy and fell asleep................

*Amys POV*

I woke up to a lady saying we will be landing soon.I buckled in my seat belt and so did Zayn.The plane landed nd we all got off.I went to the place to get our laggages and took min,the oys,and Caitlins luggaged out.All the boys and Caitlin walked out of the airport.We haled a taxi and climbed inside.We told the taxi driver our new house adress and we started heading out.I looked out the window and New York was beautiful.The city,buildings,everything.We finally got to our house and Liam tipped the man.We got our luggages and went inside the house.I threw my luggage inthe living room and ran to the kitchen.There was nothing inthe ktchen to eat si I went upstairs to find my room.I walked in it and climbed in bed.I fell asleep after bout 5 minutes.........I woke up to the sun shining on my face.I got up and walked to the bathroom and did my buisness.I washed my fac and brushed my teeth.I walked down stairs to see evryone up.''Good morning guys''I said and got back morning.I walked to the couch and layed down on it.I looked up and met Louis starring down at me.Louis started stroking my hair nd i snuggled into his belly.Its been an hour since me and Louis left our spot.I got up and went to the kitchen.I checked inthe fridge to see if there was something to eat.I groaned in fustration.Well New York is gonna be a really hard time...........


A/N:Hey guys hoped you liked this chapter and im soo sorry i havent updated in awhile i was really busy with school.I will be updating when i get time soo dont worry.I am having a contest!So basically onthe next chapter Amy and Caitlin meet a girl when there walking around intime square so  make up a character and send me the details on kik.and dont forget to share this book with friends and families.



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