Chapter 11

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*Amys POV*

I woke up by the sun shinig on my face.I turned on my back to go back to sleep but there was banging on the front door.I got up and ran down stairs so they can stop banging.I opened the door to see an old men standing there.''Hello love im Simon Cowell the boys boss''Simon said.''Oh the boys are sleeping you should wake them up and you can come in''I said.I stepped aside so the Mr.Cowell can come inside he went to wake up the boys and I went to my room.I took a quick shower and got dressed I went down stairs to see everybody inthe kitchen eating.''I AM SOOO BORED''I yelled.I ran to the bathroom and grabbed the toilet paper and ran with it in the house.30 Minutes for this is AWSOME."AMY YOUR CLEANING THIS MESS UP RIGHT KNOW"Liam said, No, let me refaze that, Daddy Directioner said.I groaned out the answer and started to clean up the super cool mess.I was almost done when I felt dizzay.I dropped down to the ground with the biggest thud.I heard footsteps coming this way."AMY"Caitlin yelled.Then I Heard more foot steps coming to me.The last thing I remember was someone picking me up bridal style before I passed out..............................


A/N:Heyy yall I know this chapter is short but READ IT AND SHARE IT.Luv yall



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