The search

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"So what will you do now, Tsuna?" asked Reborn. "We'll go look for him! He's probably still alive!" "Of course, jyuudaime!" said Gokudera-kun. "Ou! We'll find him!" said Yamamoto. "FINDING HIM TO THE EXTREME!!" shouted Onii-san. "Hmph!" said Reborn while smiling.

= Reborn's POV =

So after Tsuna said that, I divide the five of us into two groups, that is Gokudera with Yamamoto and Tsuna with me and Ryohei.

"What?! Reborn-san, why am I team up with baseball-idiot?! I should be with jyuudaime since I am his right-hand man!" complained Gokudera.

"It's because Tsuna is reckless." "...." Tsuna sweatdropped.

"Actually I planned to make you team up with Ryohei because you are even more reckless than Tsuna but we can't have only one side with both of the flying squad and one on the ground that is me while the other side is is both ground squad without anyone who can fly. So I team you up with Yamamoto that maybe can calm you down by just using words, do you understand?"

"...." He nodded without saying anything. "Gokudera and Yamamoto search on the left while Tsuna and us will search on the right. Come back here after 3 hours. Any other question?" "No" said Tsuna and Gokudera. "Nope" said Yamamoto. "None" said Ryohei. "Okay, let's start!"

And the search begin.

= Takeshi's POV =

"Jirou, kojirou, cambio forma. Then, I'll search from the sky, need a lift to below there, Gokudera? It'll be faster than climb down" "....Cih, no choice. Just don't drop me" "Hahaha.. Ou!"

After that, I gave Gokudera a lift to down there. "Wow, this cliff is really deep. I wonder if that kid still alive falling from up there after the explosion" "Of course he's still alive! Reborn-san is strong, that means his accuintances are strong too!" "Haha.. Maybe you are right" "I AM RIGHT!"

"Oh, I can hear a voice like a flowing water, I think we are almost there" "Oh, that's the river, the current is strong, guess he was carried away by it, huh?"

"Yamamoto, Gakudera-kun!" "Huh? This voice is.." We looked back. "Oh, Tsuna, kid and senpai! What are you guys doing here?" "Jyuudaime!"

"We are guessing that he may be got carried away by the current after falling from up there, so we followed the direction where the river flows. That's how we ended up here" said the kid.

"Looks like we have already gather a few minutes after split up, huh? hahaha" "It's not funny, idiot!" shouted Gokudera. "Ahahaha"

"Yamamoto, Gokudera-kun, let's go" and Tsuna fly first then I followed.

// On a certain village //

= Stranger's POV =

I and my son lived in a house down here, quite far from the road bridge up there because we have no money to lived up there, and everything there, in my opinion is quite expensive.

A few hours ago, we went to the forest looking for woods and sticks, from inside and outside the forest, near the riverbank.

Then, I saw something, I mean someone, someone was being carried by the river. Of course, I panicked and looked for something to grabbed on so that when I grabbed that someone, I won't be carried away too. Then my son came by and also helped me. "Tou-san!" "Ah, you came, come and help me get this person out of the river!" "Ha.. Hai!"

After finally getting him out of the river, "He's still a kid, around 14 to 16 years old i guess" then I saw many wound on his body and some of them is still bleeding. His gray shirt have turned into red because of the blood. I placed my ear on his chest. "...." "Huft.. He's still alive. He must have gone through a lot. Did he get bitten by someone? Or something?" "We'll bring him and treat his wound" And so, we bring him back to my house and start treating him.

After finished treating, we went back to the forest looking for woods and sticks again. "Tou-san, is he still alive? If he's dead, why bring him to our house?" "Hush! Shut your nonsense! He's still alive, it looks like he fall from up there and being carried away till here. He's lucky that we are nearby, if not, he's already a goner" "True, he should be grateful when he wakes up"

"But to think that he's still alive after getting such injury, looks like he's will to live is strong. His family will probably be worried since he fall to this river"


"..........." Our jaw dropped. "Just now... What did we just saw?? Two boys are flying in a quite fast speed while holding one person on each of them. One flies using his gloves and the other is using a sword.. Is that even possible???"

The one who's wearing gloves is a brunette and holding someone with white hair with bandage on both of this hands and a baby sitting on his back. ."...." "Eh?! A baby?! Isn't that dangerous?!" I sweradropped.

"...." And the other one who's flying with a sword is a black hair and holding someone with silver hair while holding a dynamites. "...." "Wait, what?! Dynamites?!"

"...." I looked at my son and he did the same. "Um, Tou-san.. Ca.. Can we go back home right now?" I nodded. "Yes.. Let's go back home and have some rest. Looks like we are too tired and imagining things, haha.." He nodded. "Yeah, you are right, Tou-san"

= Reborn's POV =

We have been flying for quite long and we still haven't found Shiro yet. "Did he being carried away that far already? Well I wouldn't think it's strange since it's been more than half an hour before we start searching.. Hm?! Ah, impossible"

That time when I said 'hm?!', I saw two human figures. It's impossible to be Saito and Shiro's soul since the shorter shadow looks so much shorter than the other figure. And it's impossible for a human to live in a place like this. When I looked back, the figures disappear. So, I am sure I am just imagining things.

"Don't worry, Reborn" said Tsuna without looking at me. "Hm?" "We'll definitely find him!" "Hmph" "To think that he can sense my 'worry', I let my guard down"

// After around half an hour //

= Tsuna's POV =

"Damn! Why can't we found him already?!" complained Gokudera-kun. Well, to tell you the truth, it's already a few hours we have been searching and we haven't found him yet. "Don't tell me that he actually drown?!"

"Okay, that's enough, we'll stop searching" "Eh?!" Reborn said a sentence that surprised us all. "What are you extremely talking about? We can still look for him" "That's right, Reborn-san. We.." He's sentence was cut off. "The one who's flying is Tsuna and Yamamoto, I bet they have already exhausted from flying around using their flames"

"Reborn, I can still go on!" "Me too, kid!" "And also, we have been searching for quite long and yet he haven't been found. So I assume he's already a goner. Maybe his body already drown or being eaten by some animal"

"Aah.. That's a scary way of thinking" I sweatdropped, though I am not complaining, that's a possiblility too. I mean I and Yamamoto flies quite fast already. Really, I don't what to say already.

"Let's go back, I'll explained to kyuudaime later" ".... Hai.." Then we start going back without saying anything anymore.

AN :

Huft.. Earlier I can't publish it because it says "wattpad is not connected blablabla, etc" ( -'A-) =3

And now.....FINALLY!! I CAN FINALLY PUBLISH IT!! (/`日´)/ 彡 ┷┷

Anyway, comment and review please :3

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