Transfer student

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"Let's go back, I'll explained to kyuudaime later" ".... Hai.." Then we start going back without saying anything anymore.

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"Hehehe.. Fine then, I'll tell you. My name is Velenosa Ricino, the boss of Velenosa family. I came to Japan to prevent YOU from meeting Vongola jyuudaime because I am planning to destroy Vongola! Decreasing his defenses is already a progress to the goal, right?"

// On a certain house //

= The son's POV =

"Ugh.." "....!?" I heard a wierd sound from behind. "Wha.. What is that? A.. A ghost? Why did Tou-san have to be outside the house at a time like this" "...." I brave myself to turned behind. "!" I saw a boy sitting while holding his head. "Ah, I forgot that we bring him here" "You are awake, ...... Hold on a sec" I ran outside.

"Tou-san! Tou-san! Where are you?!" "What wrong?!" "Wuaa!! Ah, it's you, Tou-san, I thought it's a bear or something" Tou-san suddenly came out from a bush and that really scares me.

"Hahaha, sorry, what's with the shouting about?" "Ah, that's right!" I grabbed Tou-san's hand and ran back to the house. "Wha.. What's wrong??" "He's awake!" "He?" "I mean, the person who we bring back home few hours ago!" "Really?!" "Yeah, now we can ask him questions!"

When we made it back home. "Huh? where is that guy?" He's gone. "Kai, let's look for him, it's dangerous to be at the forest alone, it'll be bad if a bear attack him especially when he's injured"  "Okay!"

(AN : So, the son's name is Kai)

= Shiro's POV =

"...." "Where am I? And what happened to me? My body is full of bandage. I can't remember.. And Who was that boy that told me to wait? Why did I feel like I wanted to go somewhere to meet Tsunayoshi?" "....?" "Huh? Who is Tsunayoshi? Ugh.. My head hurts"

*Shuffle* "!?" I turned back. "Who's there?!" "....?" There's no respond. "Must be just a wind but I feel like someone is watching me" "....." I take a deep breath and start running as fast as I can. "Ouch! did the wound opened?"

Then someone tapped on my shoulder. "Wua! Let go of me!" "Wait! Wait! Wait! I didn't come here to hurt you or kill you or anything. I just wanted to treated your wound, it's opened because of you running, right? So, can you come back to my house?" "...." "Tou-san, did you found him? Ah, you did"

// At his house //

"There, done!" "...." "Why did he treated me? It's better if he just leave me alone" "Can't you say a simple arigatou?" It seems like I annoyed the boy. ".... Arigatou" "Hahaha, no need to thank me, I'm just doing what I used to do" "Used to do?" "Yes, I used to be a doctor, by the way what's your name?" "....."

= Kai's POV =

"Seriously? Why can't he say a simple arigatou without me telling to. Huft!" "Oh, sorry, I'll introduce myself, my name is Rei, Sagawara Rei and this is my son.." "The names Sagawara Kai, what's yours?" ".... Kizuna.. Shiro, you can call me Shiro"

(AN : So, Kai's old man's name is Rei)

"Where do you live, Shiro...san?" "..... I don't know" "What do you mean you don't know?!" "Is there anyone who don't know where they live?!" "Kai!" "....!" "... Don't tell me he..."

"Shiro-kun, may I ask what's your parent's name or maybe one of your friends name?" ".... I don't know"

"Ugh.." He grabbed his head, it seems like he's head hurts. "It's okay, Shiro-kun, don't force yourself" Then I looked at Tou-san and he did the same, he nodded, looks like we are thinking the same thing. "Looks like he got a memory loss" said Tou-san. "...." "Amnesia, huh? What a troublesome illness"

// Tsuna's room //

= Tsuna's POV =

It's already a few hours after we came back, now it's evening, I, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto, and Onii-san right now are at my room. The room is filled with silent because we still feel bad for not finding Reborn's accuintance.

If you are asking where Reborn is, he's outside, making a call to kyuudaime, who is possibly waiting for news about finding that boy.

"What's with this silent? It's like a graveyard here" said Reborn to break my 'as silent as a graveyard' room. "Sorry, Reborn" "I think it's best if I say sorry too" ".... Sorry to the extreme" "I am sorry, Reborn-san, we didn't manage to find your accuintance"

"Hhh.. We can't do anything about that anymore. I have already report it to kyuudaime. You guys better go home now. It's already evening, there's school tomorrow" "But, Reborn-san.. ..... I understand. Jyuudaime, see you tomorrow at school" Yamamoto and Onii-san followed. "Then, see you tomorrow, Tsuna" "Then, Sawada" "Ah, okay, see you tomorrow"

"Go take a bath and eat some dinner before going to sleep, dame-Tsuna. You haven't even eaten since we get back" "Okay" "Then, I'll off to sleep" he then jump and land on his bed hanging in my room near the window in his pajamas and fall asleep. Seriously, when did he change anyway. "....." "I'll do another search tomorrow after school"

// In the morning //

"Vongola style waking-someone-up! Wake up, dame-Tsuna!" *Bzzzztt* "Guaaaa!! Ouch.." "Are you awake yet, dame-Tsuna? If not..." "Wait! Wait! I am awake! I am awake! And will you just stop doing that and just wake me up in a normal way???" As always, Reborn wake me up using wierd stuff saying it is Vongola style.

"Stop complaining and change your clothes, you'll be late" "Huh? Ah! I am going to be late!!"

"Kaa-san, I'll be going to school" "Be careful" And I ran to school as fast as I can "Please I am not late! I don't want to get bitten to death by Hibari-san"

In the end, I am late and got bitten to death. "Hhh.." "Ohayou gozaimasu, jyuudaime!" "Yo, ohayou, Tsuna!" "Ohayou, Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto"

"Okay class, please sit down, we have a new transfer student" After we sit down, "Okay, you can come in" The new transfer student is a boy with light brown hair and a green eyes and he's... wearing many bandages, it's like he just got into an accident or something. No way it's bullying, right? I sweatdropped.

"Please introduce yourself" "Um.. my name is Kizuna Shiro, nice to meet you" "Okay, you can seat behind Sawada". Sensei said while pointing an empty seat behind me. After he seat down, "Okay, let's start the lessons"

AN :

I really feel bad for making Shiro loses his memories that way (اااლლ) *cover face*

Maybe it's better if he loses his memories through the cross-dresser's spell or something (اااლლ)

I have a name, you stupid fool! So stop calling me 'cross-dresser'! Anyway, comment please, readers!

Hey! Why did you steal my line?! The first one is Shiro and now the cross-dresser guy.. Poor me (اااლლ)     LOL

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