The entrusted key

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"If you kill the wind guardian, Vongola will lose one of their defences and that is the time that the other families to attack Vongola since the next wind guardian will be born on the next three generation, the current wind guardian's great-grandson/great-granddaughter"

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"The voice you heard MAY be the voice of Kizuna shodaime. Just like Vongola shodaimes, who's will is inside the Vongola rings, the will of Kizuna shodaime, wind guardian of Vongola shodaime's also inside your ring"

"It is said that Vongola shodaime's wind guardian is kinda too energetic, she always do everything using her own way and inventions although almost all of them are useless, only bring troubles"

= Author/Reader's POV =

"...... My shodaime is really something" everyone sweatdropped.

"And so.. Any more question?" Rei asked.

"Yes" Tsuna raised his hand. "That is?"

"Um.. How did you get Kizuna-kun entered Namimori middle if he lose his memories?"

"Ah, that's easy. There's an acceptance entering-Namimori-middle letter when I checked his bag while he's unconscious" He laughed while scratching his head.

"Okay, I think it's best if you guys go home now. It's already late" Rei said after he clapped his hand once.

"Shiro, where will you be staying? Rei's house or dame-Tsuna's house?" "Um.. Before that, one question. Where did my Tou-san lived when he came here, to Namimori?"

"His own house of course. He bought one on the second time he came here since he sold his previous house before he moved to Italy and after his wife, that is also your Kaa-san passed away" "......"

"Then what about you stay there, Shiro-kun? I think you'll remember something if you saw some of your Tou-san's belongings. I won't force you to stay here" Rei patted Shiro's head.

"But... I don't have the key to the house. No way he'll go out somewhere without locking the door, right?" "About that, I have a duplicate of it"

"Huh? Reborn-san? Why?" "He is the one who gave it to me to take care of it in case he lost his original key when he loses his live" "......" Reborn then took out the key from his tiny pocket. "Here, he said to give it to you if THAT really happens"

(AN : Kick! Ouch! What was that for, Reborn?! For saying my pocket is tiny. But it's true! It's a fact! Kick! Guh!)

Shiro took and observe the key. The key has a weird knife shape and some space on it. There's also like-a-crown shape and a flame shape with a "K" carve on the body of the flame on top of the crown at the end of the holder.

(AN : You can see it at the pic that I put)

".... Tou-san..." A certain water start flowing from his eyes, down to his cheek. "There there.." Rei cares Shiro's head, everyone stares at the crying Shiro.

After a few minutes, "Sorry, I cried for quite long" Shiro said with an embarrassed face. "Ahaha.. It's fine! So.. where will you stay? Your Tou-san's house? Tsuna's house? Rei-san's house? Or maybe my house?" laughed Takeshi.

"Um.." He turned to Tsuna, "Tsuna-san, do you mind if I stay at you house for one day? I'll go to my Tou-san's house tomorrow" "No, I don't mind" And then he turned to Rei and bow, "Rei-san, Kai, thank you for saving me"

"Naa.. It's fine, no need to thank me" He smiled. "Huh! I don't care! It's not like I wanted to save you, I just don't have any other choice since Tou-san already go and save you that time! You... If you have time, come and visit us! Don't misunderstand, it's not like I want to meet you again!" he turned around while crossing his hand after saying it with a red face.

Everyone then think "He's a tsundere" "Ahaha! Kai is a tsundere!" Takeshi said it out loud. "No, I am not!" he shouted and hide behind Rei. "Ahahaha!"

"Yeah! Don't worry, I'll come back again, Kai, see you, Rei-san" "Yeah, be careful on your way back, kids" "We will, and thanks for saving Shiro, Rei" "I told you, it's fine. Now hurry and go, it's late already" "Yeah, see you, Rei-san" "We'll be going, old man" "Ahaha, see you!" "Thank you and see you again, Rei-san, Kai"

// Tsuna's house //

"Kaa-san, tadaima! By the way, can Kizuna-kun stay here for a day? He'll go back tomorrow" "Okaeri, Tsu-kun, and yes, of course, feel free to stay whenever you like, Shiro-kun" "Thank you, Sawada-san" "Please call me maman, calling me Sawada-san makes me feel so old" she smiled.

"O.. Okay.."

// Tsuna's room //

"Um.. Kizuna-ku.." Shiro cut off. "You can call me by my name, Tsuna-san. It's kind of not fair for only me calling you by your name" "Okay, and call me Tsuna, without "-san" and Shiro...-kun, why don't you sleep in the guest room instead of my room?" "Hm.. Don't know, I think it's better for me to be in a place I can easily be seen by you and Reborn-san"

"Good thinking, Shiro, since you are being targeted, it's better you stay near us. It's a good thing that you don't have any intentions of being alone just like the previous wind guardians Rei said" "..... Actually.. I really wanted to be alone.. But this time, I think I don't have any other choice.. Haha" He sweatdropped while scratched his cheek.

"Hhh.. What an annoying blood running in your vein you have there" "Haha.." Both Tsuna and Shiro sweatdropped. "Um.. Shiro-kun, are you fine by sleeping on the floor?" "Yes, it's fine, thank you" "Okay, oyasumi(good night)" "Oyasumi, Tsuna...-kun, Reborn-san"

AN :

Why did you call us to come here again? (Hayato)

Ahaha! Good thing I don't have any practise schedule today. (Takeshi)

...... *sigh* (Tsuna)

Ah, you guys came!

Answer the question, dummy! (Shiro)

Don't call me dummy! Just where did you get that attitude from anyway?! >□<

Where my attitude came from is none of your business. Now just get to the point already! I want to be alone for now! (Shiro)

....... *sweatdropped* (everyone)

Where is that kind and nice Shiro from previous?? *sob*

That Shiro never exist! This is the real me! (Shiro)

You ruin my image of yours!! *cry blood tears*

Just hurry it up already! Or I'll blast you away! *takes out dynamites* (Hayato)

Ahahaha! (Takeshi)

Don't tell me, he got that attitude from you, Hayato! ........ Fine! We'll do it together today!

Readers, comment or vote please! (Shiro, Tsuna, Takeshi, Hayato) *then walk away*

WHY DID YOU GUYS START WITHOUT ME??!! Hey! Come back here! You all! HEYY!!!

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