Another transfer student

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"Every Head's heir was kept hidden until they are on the age of 20 and already mastered how to use their flame. If they still can't mastered their flame at the age of 20, they will still hid them until they mastered it"

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"It's because Kizuna's hideout lies in a very deep forest and is covered by strong illusion produced by many Kizuna Mist user prodigy and not prodigy. That's why, letters is hard to reach that place and Vongola can't contact them other than other using letters. Why? Because they don't have the communication machine that we called phone and they won't allow anyone who they don't RECOGNISE to enter that place"

// Sawada Resident //

= Reader's POV =

The idea of Shiro staying in Vongola's view still available, so Shiro will have to stay at Tsuna's house instead of the house which his father entrusted it to until Vongola settle everything up with Velenosa.

Shiro and Bianchi now are helping Nana on both cooking and preparing dinner. Different from Tsuna, the encounter between Shiro, Bianchi, Fuuta and I-Pin is quite normal(?), they met, learn each other's names, and then back to do what they are doing, though two of the three sometimes questioning Shiro, Bianchi sometimes give him her poison cooking and also Fuuta sometimes suddenly evaluated Shiro and everything around him levitate.

// Time Skip~ //

A few days after Tsuna having troubles from telling Shiro's fate to Ryohei, who was listening seriously and started shouting "Extreme" when Tsuna was done telling him.

Kyoya, who were chasing Tsuna saying "I'll bite you to death" because Tsuna disturbed his beauty sleep while Tsuna was telling Shiro's fate on his save-my-life run, don't know whether Kyoya listened or not.

And lastly, Lambo, who was half-eating half-listening to him. If it's Chrome, it's a piece of cake but Tsuna was very nervous like hell when he talked because Ken and Chikusa were staring at him.

= Tsuna's POV =

"Good morning, and sit down, class! We will have another transfer student" said Okuda-sensei (At last, one sensei's name appear after so many chapter.. And of course, it's a random name~ :v ) after entering the class. And class is starting to get noisy especially the boys.

"Another transfee after Kizuna?"

"I hopes it's a girl!"

"That won't enough, stupid! You should hope it's a cute or maybe a beautiful girl!!"


"Aah.. The class is in a chaos.."

"Ahaha! What do you think, Tsuna, Gokudera, Shiro?" Yamamoto asked.

"What do we think about what?" Shiro-kun asked.

"The transfer student, of course! What do you think? Is it a girl or a boy? Well I hope it's a oy who interested in baseball!"

"Baseball again?"

"I don't care if it's a girl or a boy. If that person hurt jyuudaime, then I am gonna kill that person" said Gokudera-kun as he put his leg on his table.

"A... Haha..." I sweatdropped.

"Whether it's a girl or not is fine by me though. Hope that person is not one if the Velenosa or any assassin" Shiro-kun said.


"SILENCE, CLASS!!" Nezu-sensei shouted and the class became quiet.

"Good! You can come in now"

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