Talking with ancestors

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"Hhh.. What an annoying blood running in your vein you have there" "Haha.." Both Tsuna and Shiro sweatdropped. "Um.. Shiro-kun, are you fine by sleeping on the floor?" "Yes, it's fine, thank you" "Okay, oyasumi(good night)" "Oyasumi, Tsuna...-kun, Reborn-san"

= Shiro's POV =

"Hhh.. What an annoying blood running in your vein you have there" Reborn-san said while sighed. "Haha.." Both I and Tsuna-kun sweatdropped. "Is that an insult? Or just a saying?"

"Um.. Shiro-kun, are you fine by sleeping on the floor?" Tsuna-kun asked. "Yes, it's fine, thank you" "Okay, oyasumi(good night)" "Oyasumi, Tsuna...-kun, Reborn-san"

What? I just feels like it's not fair for me to call him "Tsuna" while he call me "Shiro-kun", and there's a mattress for me to sleep on of course, not directly on the floor.



"Huh? Where is this place? It's all white and misty" "It's like I am in Heaven or something ........." "Wait What?! Don't tell me I am really in Heaven?! I am dead?!"

"When did it happened?! I remember the last time before I am here is that I sleep on the floor on the same room as Tsuna-kun and Reborn-san!?" I panicked. REALLY panicked while holding my head to think did something happened that.

"Ahahaha!! You are interesting!! Hahaha!!" I can suddenly hear a woman's laughing voice.

"Who.. Who's there?! Don't tell me you are an angel who will bring me to the real heaven?!"

"Ahahaha!!! Very interesting!!" She laughed even harder.

"........" "The heck is wrong with this woman?" Then I saw the laughing figure. Just a figure, not the woman since the mist us blocking my view.

"Ahahaha!!" "Maku, stop laughing at your descendant" A man's voice can be heard and another figure with a spicky hair appeared behind her. Still can't see them because of the mist "S.. Sorry.. But.. But.. He... Hahaha!!"

"......?!" "Wait, descendant? Is he talking about me?? No, that's impossible"

"Hahaha.. Ugh.. My stomach hurt.. Haha.." Then the figures show themselves.

The one who show up first is the still laughing woman with the same green eyes and hair model like mine but with a colour of light blue (AN : You can see her on the cover) and longer hair until her waist. She wear a white dress that made her look like an angel.

"Definitely an angel.. So what do they mean by descendant? I am a descendant of an angel?"

The other one is a man with a blond spicky hair with an orange eyes and flame on his forehead. He's clothes is black including his cloak.

"....." "Okay.. I take my word back! They are definitely not angels. And why did I think I am an angel's descendant anyway? I am so stupid!" I sweatdropped.

"......" "Why do I feels like I've seen him before?" I looked at the blond one once again. ".....!!???" "He looked just like Tsuna-kun when he's fighting with the storm and sun last time!?"

"Eh? Tsu.. Tsuna-kun?? When did you become that tall and did you dyed your hair??" "Hahaha!! See? What did I told you?! He's very interesting!!" "Maku, I am serious.. Just stop laughing already" He sighed.

"What's happening? What is this place? How did I got here? Wh.." "Stop! That's too many questions, Shiro-chan" the woman cut my sentence off while raising her hand. "How did you know my name??"

"First thing first, Shiro-chan" "Eh?" "My name is Kizuna Maku, Kizuna shodaime and also the first wind guardian of Vongola, your ancestor" "....??!!" "Wait, what?! She's my ancestor?! "

"And then, this blondie beside me here is Vongola shodaime, Giotto, your sky, Sawada Tsunayoshi's ancestor" "Huuh??!! Question! Am I dead or what? How can I meet ancestors??"

"Nope, you are not! That Rei guy told you already right? I do things through my ooown way! We talked to you through your dream by the way" "Yeah.. Rei-san said that before" "..... This is a dream??" "Maybe~" "Answer me seriously!!"

"Hhh.. Maku, stop teasing him" "But there's no anything to do here!!!" "Then why did you two came into my whatever dream it is?!" "We wanted to talk, Shiro. Now we are waiting for that person to come" "Who is "that person"??" "That person behind you" He said while pointing someone behind me.

"Hhh.. Tell me why did you call me to come here, please?" I turned around. "...!?" "Who is he?! He look just like me! The only difference is our eye colour, his is ocean blue. ....... Do I have a twin?" "Hm? Hey hey.. Do I have a twin or something?" "Forget it.. I don't think so"

"Hellooo?? Is your brain okay? You don't even remember how many sibling you had??" "Naa.. If I remember correctly, I don't have one. I'm an only child" "So he IS not my twin then why do we really look alike??"

"So? Who's this look-like-me kid?" "Hhh.. He's your ...son, dummy!" "WHAT?!" I and the look-like-me guy shouted in unison. "Are you serious?! I remember my son was a blondie! Not brunette!" "Said it clearly, Maku!" "Ahahaha! Sorry sorry!" "She is sooo..."

"Shiro-chan, let me introduced this person to you, she is the previous wind guardian before you. Her name is Kizuna Kuro, your great-grandmother" "Eh?! First an ancestor, now is great-grandmother?! But why did she look like me?! ..... Ah, what a stupid question, Tsuna-kun also look like his ancestor" "And Kuro, he is your great-grandson, his name is Kizuna Shiro" "Heck! You really WAS lying to me, you old hag!" "I am still young, brat!"

"........." "Huh?! Wait a minute!! If I heard it correctly...." "YOU.. YOU ARE A WOMAN?!" "Well, duh? I wouldn't be surprise if you in a shock. Many people thought I was a man too when I was still alive because of my name, my manly face and have a flat chest"

"What? Manly face?" "..... I won't deny the last one, your's is really flat" "The heck, you impolite brat!" "Geh! You are the one who said that! I was just repeating it!" I ran. "Come back here, let me spank you once! Just where the hell did you get that attitude from anyway?!"

"Maybe it's from you, Kuro-chan" "I kind of agree with Maku" "No way, Maku-san, Giotto-san! I am not like that!" "Haha.." I sweatdropped.

"By the way, why did you two call me here again? Surely It's not just to meet my great-grandson, right?" She said it with a serious tone after she turned to Maku-san and Giotto-san.

AN :

Now you can guess that Shiro got his attitude from his great-grandmother! Why does it have to be her?!

TWIN KICK!! (Kuro n Shiro) *Kick!*

What are you guys doing?! And why "twin kick" when you two aren't even a twin?!

It's because we look alike to each other. (Kuro)

That's why we use "twin kick". (Shiro)

....... So? What do you want? .... Ah! Stealing! Ooh, I won't let you! Readers, co.. *cover mouth*

Hilo, let lo bof be! (Shiro, let go of me!)

Kuro-san, now's your chance! Since you just appeared today! (Shiro)

Okay... Um.. What should I say? (Kuro)

Hop pit!! (Stop it!!)

Um.. Um.. Oh! Reader, comment or vote, please! (Kuro) *bow*

Okay, now let's get out of here! (Shiro)

Osh! (Kuro) *both of them run away*

....... Why?? *sob*

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