Cambio forma

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"Kh..!" "I have to get through him first! But even if I did, I am not going to make it! This is bad!" "REI-SAN! KAI!" shouted Kizuna-kun. Then a gray flame flew to the direction in high speed. "Eh?!" "What is that gray flame?!" "What was that?!" shouted this Lucido guy.

"...." "Gray colour flame.. A new flame? Wind?! Kizuna-kun?" I then looked at Kizuna-kun. "...!" "His box ring is not there?! That must be Kizuna-kun's box ring animal!"

After that, it starts taking it's form that is a mountain goat with a flame on both it's ear and horn and also on it's short tail. *STOMP* "Baaa!!"

// A few minutes ago //

= Shiro's POV =

Tsuna-san and the other is fighting with the Velenosas. "I hope Rei-san and Kai is safe" I said with a small voice. Then I saw them got out from behind the house. "Hm?! That's Rei-san and Kai, they are safe. Thank goodness"

"Huh? Did you just saw shadows right over there, Luci? Or is it just my imagination?" The storm asked the sun. "Naa.. I saw it too" "Wha.. Whaaat?! They saw them while fighting?! What kind of eyes did they have?"

"Then it won't hurt or effect our mission if I blow them off!" "What?!" The storm then let his red flame out on his hand and throw it to the direction of the shadows. "No!!"

Then "Tsuna! There's two people right over there!" Reborn-san said it with a loud voice. "Wha?! Why didn't you say it earlier!" Tsuna-san reply while he immediately flew to Rei-san and Kai's direction.

But the sun blocked Tsuna-san's way. "Woah, kid. Where do you think you are going?"

"No.. What should I do?! I can't lose them! I paid heven't their kindness for saving me yet! I haven't say thank you yet! I.. I HAVE TO PROTECT THEM!!" "REI-SAN! KAI!"

Then I feels like I saw something shining on my hand. "Eh?" The ring lit a gray flame and a second after that, the flame flew to Rei-san and Kai's direction, fast. "My box ring disappear!"

"What was that?!" shouted the sun. *BOOM* "..!?" "The red flame disappear! My box ring animal was.. Protecting Rei-san and Kai.. Tha.. Thank goodness"

After that, the flame starting to took it's form. "Ah.. It IS a mountain goat! With a flame on both of it's ear and horns and it's short tail though" *STOMP* "Baaa!!" "It looks.. Kinda cool"

// Back to the future //

"Huh? What is that? A mountain goat? Whose box animal?" asked the sun and got a punch from the storm. "Wha.. What are you doing?" "You asked to many questions in one sentence, it's annoying" "I agree"

"Well whatever, I don't know whose is that but we have to finish our mission now. It's almost time to go back" said the storm. "Hm? Now that you mention it" said the sun agreeing to the storm.

"Oi.." Tsuna-san called them. "What do you want, kid!" asked the sun. "You! Show some respect to jyuudaime!" Gokudera-kun shouted but they ignored him. Aah.. It's not a good idea to ignore him" I sweatdropped.

"What is it, boy?" asked the storm politely. "What is this mission you are talking about?" Tsuna-san asked them with a serious tone. "Oh.. You wanna know? Ha! No way we are gonna tell you!" shouted the sun.

"To eliminate that boy behind you with a name Kizuna Shiro" the storm said it with a smile. "!?" "Wha.. Why are you telling them?!"shouted the sun. "Geez.. Stop shouting already! ..... Wait! To eliminate me?!"

".... We won't let you do it!" After that, the three of them stand infront of me in a ready-to-fight stance. "...!" "Tsuna-san, Gokudera-san, Yamamoto-san"

"Puh.. As I said earlier.. What can you kids do? Only throwing punches, shooting arrowas, and playing swords! No way you will win againts us, the first rate guardians and also an assassins!" shouted the sun. ".........." "I better say it out loud"

"Why can't you just zip you mouth! You are noisy!" I shouted. "Wha.. What did you.." The storm cut his sentence off with another punch. "I agree" said the storm agreeing with me. "...."

Then the storm said with an evil smile while gathering flames on his hand. "Kids, we don't have time to play with you guys. Luci, I'll make this fast" "Cih.. Fine!" His flame that gathered turned into a spear like and start to attack.

= Tsuna's POV =

"Why are they targeting Kizuna-kun anyway?!" "Kids, we don't have time to play with you guys. Luci, I'll make this fast, you stay back" His flame then turned into a spear. "...! A spear?!" "We will not let you pass through us! Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto!"


"He's fast!" "Too slow!" shouted this Tatsu guy and start running to Kizuna-kun's direction. "...!" "Wha?!" "Aree?" "How did he get behind us! Kizuna-kun!" I flew there as fast as I could.

"Kizuna-kun, run!" "Kh! I will be late again!? Hm? What's that on Kizuna-kun's head? Headphones with wind flame??" After that I heard Kizuna-kun murmured something.

"Cambio forma"

"!?" The goat flew back to Kizuna-kun. "Whoa! The flame is coming back?" The Tatsu guy said it while dodging the flame.

The headphone merge with his box ring animal and turned into a mike with a long holder like Vongola kyuudaime's cane.... "Eh? Wait! A mike??"

Before Kizuna-kun shouted making his flame out to attack someone in a melody (♬♪♭♯) form from his mike, he said "Go deaf and and let the melody blow you away" "Well that's a scary attack" I sweatdropped.

AN :

Lalaladudu~♪ (~^3^)~  ~(^ε^~)




No one's interupting? Hello~~?




Why did someone will interupt me when the story is long *sob* Well at least I finally got to say it this time.




*evil grin* No one will interupt me if it's shorter. Then I will make it shorter from now on! Kuhuhuhu *evil laugh* >:3




Anyway, readers, comment or vote please~ :3




Damn! What is wrong with my wattpad!!?? Some of the word that should be Italic and Bold become "normal"!!

But when I went to "edit", there's nothing wrong there!! Only on the reading!!

*flip the table*

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