~2~ Fresh Start

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Hey so I've decided to rewrite the chapters I've wrote to make my story better. I'll actually be able to post regularly because I'm off school. Btw I'm changing the plot a bit. Hope you enjoy.
Isabella's P.O.V
I wake up to the sound of my alarm and immediately turn it off just in case my dads home. So I take a listen in my room and all I hear is the light above me flickering. So I get up grab my duffel bag and walk down the stairs. I take one last look in the house. I close my eyes and memories start flowing rapidly through my head. I open my eyes take a breath and leave the house.

I walk to the air port because it's like a 20 minute walk. So I have like 30 minutes before my 6 hour flight. I get in the airport and get checked in. I sit in a chair and relax. I'm finally leaving this dump of Chicago.(no offence to anyone in Chicago.) I hear over the intercom flight 621 is boarding. The flight from Chicago to New York. I get up and board the plane. For the most of the flight I slept. And when I woke up we were almost to New York.

I did and internal excitement dance. After I exited the plane I didn't know where do go. So I searched up hotels and found the closest hotel was The Travellodge. So I walked there, it was a far walk. I have just enough money for a room for 1 night and some food. I didn't know what I'd do to get money I guess I could get a job. That's when I remember my secret vlog channel that's has at least 100 subscribers. I basically vlogged my daily life as an abused teen. So I get my phone out and start recording.

Hey vlog! Long time no talk I guess. So I made the big decision to... move away from my abusive father. I'm currently in New York heading to my hotel for the night. Basically what has happened was he went to the bar at 11:00 so I book a flight earlier for 12:00 so it's like 6:37 I'm exhausted but kinda excited. When I get to the hotel I'll do a room review. So I'll see you there.

So I turn my phone off and keep walking I walk for about 20 minutes before I find it. So I get my room key and go in. It has a bed with a bathroom and a desk. So I pull out my phone and start recording again.

So I am now in the hotel and it has a nice looking bed and a desk. So that's nice, in the bathroom they give you shampoo,conditioner,body wash, and ohh... lotion. So that's great definitely taking those. But I will talk to you guys tomorrow. Imma go take a shower.

I turn my phone off and get into the shower. It's nice to finally shower in peace without the feeling of anxiety because someone might come in. I get out and get dressed. I flopped down on the bed and immediately start drifting off.
Like I said I'm changing the plot which means she's not gonna meet Colby yet. I hope you enjoy this if you read.

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