~15~ The Shock

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- 2 Weeks Later-
I wake up and I feel nauseous which I have been feeling lately. I've just been pushing it off for being nervous. Then it dawned on me. "Shit," I whisper under my breath. I'm late oh my fucking god. I'm so late. I shift over in bed towards Colby. I shake him as hard as my tired body will let me. He doesn't make a sound or move. I swear if you didn't know Colby was a heavy sleeper you'd think he was dead. I get up and open the blinds and Colby groans.

(I) Colby come on we have to go to the store.
(C) why so early? What time is it?
(I) Colby for god sakes it's 12:24.
(C) ugh fine.

And with that I grab an outfit and start changing. Colby goes to the kitchen probably to make breakfast. I get dressed in a sunflower yellow sundress. And put on some light makeup. I go down to the kitchen and Colby made us both toast. I smile he's so sweet I don't deserve him. It's been 3 months that we've been together. We eat our breakfast and I go brush my teeth I fix my hair and makeup I go to grab my keys and Colby stops me.

He grabs his keys instead I roll my eyes and follow him to the parking garage. Where his car is. We don't have much in the apartment because we're moving soon. Colby, Jake, Sam, and Corey all decided to move in together. Colby and I decide I would move in too, our apartment is bare of the decor. We get to the mall I drag Colby into shoppers and get him to look at random stuff while I go off to find pregnancy tests. I grab one and grab some chocolate to hide it from Colby. I go to the checkout and make sure Colby can't see me from here. I'm having a mini panic attack inside right now. Because what if Colby leaves me? What if he hurts me? I have so many questions going through my mind.

I get my stuff and hurry back to Colby. We leave shoppers and continue through the mall it's lunch so we go to the food quart and Colby orders us some A&W. I put the pregnancy test in my purse and wait for Colby to come back. I drink a lot so I have to pee. I excuse myself to the restroom where I take the pregnancy test out and do my thing. I sit and wait for what seems like an eternity.

The test comes out positive. I start freaking out about how I'm going to tell him. I go to wash my hands and regain my composure. I go back out to Colby with a smile. I try to remain as calm as possible but I don't know if Colby can hear the nervousness in my voice.

~Colby's P.O.V~
Isabella's smiling and she seems happy but I can tell somethings off. It's like she's anxious or nervous about something. I try to act like I don't notice so she doesn't worry as much. Every morning for the last week and 1/2 she's been getting up and throwing up in the bathroom and I think I know why. But I'm not sure. We get our stuff and go back home. Isabella takes me into my room and sits me down on the bed. She looks at me then the rooms around me as if she want to look at me but is too embarrassed to.

(C) Isabella? What's wrong your worrying me?
(I) Go to the bathroom.
(C) Ok.

My heart starts racing what could it be? I hesitantly put my hand on the doorknob and look back at Isabella for reassurance I turn back and open the door and sitting there on the counter is a cute pink bag with tissue paper in it. I take the tissue paper out while shaking slightly. At the bottom is what looks like a white stick. I take it out and try to understand what it's telling me. The test is positive.

~Isabella's P.O.V~
Colby turns to me and smiles wider than I've ever seen before. He runs over to me picks me up and swings me around. All of the weight on my shoulder fades I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm so glad he's not mad or doesn't wanna leave me.

(C) So when are we going to tell the boys? Can I marry you? Are you feeling ok? Do you need anything? does anything hurt?

(I) Omg Colby. Ok, slow down. Whenever you want to. sure. I'm fine. No, I don't need anything. No, not yet at least.

(C) Ok. Well, I was gonna go to Jake's house to hang out with him, Corey, and Sam. So we can do it tonight?

(I) That works for me. Imma jump in the shower then we can go.

(C) Ok, baby, I'll be in the living room.

I jump in the shower and decide to put on some black leggings and one of Colby's hoodies. I get out of the bathroom and brush my hair and grab my phone. I look at Colby on his bean bag.

(C) You ready baby?

(I) Yeah, let's go.


I hope you like this chapter it took so long because I was contemplating making it. because I didn't know if I wanted Izzy to get pregnant or not but here we are so yeah. does anyone know what happened to Sam or Colby?- Love Dani_Kuhlmann.

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