~19~ The First Visit

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It's a week or two into quarantine and I honestly hate it. I mean don't get me wrong it's fun living with the boys and having a pool and stuff but I already watched all my favourite shows rewatched my favourite movie series 236 times. So I don't wanna watch that movie series anymore. The only thing for me to really do is clean to make videos and spend hours on TikTok. Sam ended up breaking his back jumping off of our roof for the boys stupid ten days for dares. They are such idiots I told them not to do it.

I and Colby have been trying to embrace quarantine. Colby and sam have been doing meta life videos. They've been posting on snap a lot. I've been trying to be positive on snap and do daily compliments to all of the boys. (Add my snap Danik0010) I'm running out though and you guys have been sending me snaps of you doing to your families and it just warms my heart to see so many of you spreading joy in this shitty time. I've been cleaning the house almost daily and it's soon not gonna need cleaning because the boys have been pretty good with keeping it clean.

Jake got fucking whipped cream on the slide so he has to go clean it up he hasn't so Colby posted about it on Snap. I'm almost 4 months along and we still haven't told the viewers they haven't figured out either. I have somehow got into contact with my mom and she has a new husband and a kid. She left me with my dad and started a new fucking life without me. She wants to be part of the baby's life but Colby and I don't know if we want her in it.

I was texting her and she said she'd come over today to see me for the first time since I was a little girl. She wants to meet Colby and obviously see me. I'm just sitting on the couch scrolling through insta when she texts me. I walk over to Colby and show him the texts he looks at me with a little bit of worry in his eyes.

(C) Are you sure your ready for this?

(I) Yes, Colby, You need to relax The baby and I will be fine.

(C) Ok, I guess your right. I'll meet you in the backyard.

(I) Ok.

With that Colby kisses me on the forehead and disappears through the backyard doors. I go out to the front and a Dark blue SUV pulls into the driveway. Who I  assume is my mom steps out. She has pale green eyes and she's thin but well feeds and she platinum blonde shoulder-length hair. She's wearing a mask and gloves like she said she would so she doesn't produce any threat of giving COVID-19 to the baby and I. I walk with her to the backyard through the house and she just looks around admiring the place.

We sit in the chair that took Colby 6 hours to build when we first got here. I sit beside Colby and he pulls me close and puts his arm around as to protect me. I look at and his arm relaxes around my shoulder.

(M) So your Colby I assume. You're my grandchild's father?

(C) Yeah, and you're it's grandmother. he says with anger.

(I) Colby. Stop. I look at my mom and she seems calm but slightly alert.

(I) What is your first name?

(M)Marie. But you can call me mom.

(I) I'd rather not. Marie, why did you leave me as a child?

(M) Because you know your dad's abusive. I had no choice he was going to kill me.i flinch at the mention of his abusiveness.

(I) Yeah, and just leave so he can fucking kill me instead? Huh?

(M) It's not like that Izzy I promise you.

(I) really it isn't? Tell me "what it was like" then?

She goes to open her mouth but closes it before she can say anything more. I just shake my head and go into the house. Colby says something to Marie before he and her both get up and come in the house except Marie doesn't stay she goes right back out the front door and leaves without another word. She's not going to be in the baby's life. It's final and I think Colby can tell.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Damn that's the tea! I hope you liked this chapter it's different from the other ones. I love you all as always- Love Dani_Kuhlmann.

That One House|C.BWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt