Chapter 1- The Beautiful Lie

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A bond like marriage is one every woman wishes to have doesn't she?
But me on the other hand I have lost completely all hope on these deplorable creatures called MEN.

"Oh honey you haven't gotten married yet?"

"You're becoming old when are you going to have kids?"

"It's gonna be hard to catch a man when you're old and crusty"

"Every woman needs a man , how are you living alone?"

"Is there a problem down there, I could give you my gynecologist's number?
Oh sweety, now don't be so shy it's alright."

Well screw you Mrs. Pompers!
I can do bloody well on my own
I haven't gotten married yet because none of those creatures match my standards, I'll have kids when I'm 82 have you got a problem with that?!?!

It's not that I can't catch a man, it's just that I swat each one that even comes my way because they are nothing but flies that annoy the crap out of you

Oh and I'm living alone because I'm not bloody paralyzed and am completely capable of doing everything on my own.

A problem Bitch? Maybe you should give your own daughter that number because with the number of STD's she has any guy would run for the hills.

I managed to slip away from Mrs. Pompers who just so happens to be my extremely nosy neighbor,
I don't know if she has a personal grudge with my personal life but all she does is ask me these stupid questions every time she comes over to ask me for something she could borrow,

Currently sticking my ear on the door of my bathroom, I'm hoping she gets a hint that I'm going to be in here for a while and leave but god!!! When is my luck ever that good? Is it ever?

I groan in frustration

I heard her stand up

Thank god she's leaving but her footsteps only got closer

Hawww that floppy cheeked hag, she was looking around my house instead of getting out.

Stupid people I tell you don't they ever get the message, do they ever?

Oh my god she broke something , she actually broke something
This woman right there had the nerve to ask me stupid questions, sneak around my house and now she BROKE SOMETHINGGGGGGG???!?!?!?

I have had it , this hoe is going down the hole

I opened the door with such force that it slammed against the wall and she suddenly jerked and turned around startled,

with honey dripping from my every word i asked her " Did I just hear something break?"

"Oh love, your window was open and that caused your frame to move and it fell from the top of the dresser" she replied just as sweetly but I could see it in her face,

"Lady RAKE FIRE, I have had it with you" 

"Excuse me?"

" Yes you are excused , you may leave now"

"Honey are you alright, did you hit your head on the sink or something" 

"Yes lady and I lost my shit so you could just leave now , while I'm being polite" I replied with so much hate emanating from my eyes that any person who saw them would think i was gonna murder someone in minutes.

Maybe I would , I could just cut her into tiny pieces and throw her stuff to my dog and no one would ever know

But wouldn't wanna feed poison to my little Zeus now, would I?

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