Revealed Tensions

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John hurried to his basement. Today he would begin Luke's confession. When he entered the confession room, Luke was once again singing.

"I... once... was lost... but... now... I... see..." John watched him closely. The door closed itself with a loud thud, yet Luke paid it no mind. Only lifting his head when John stepped close. And that's when John seen it. Luke's tired eyes looked just like Joseph's when he had talked to the voice in his sleep.

John quickly pulled up a chair and spoke. "What did you see?"

Luke's eyes kept their focus on his knees while he spoke.

"The fire, the screams, the... Deputy. The end is brought from her. It wasn't meant to happen."

John, stunned by what he heard, knew he was telling the truth. Joseph had spoken about the end before, when the fire would rain down from the sky. The Deputy was the catalyst to the end.

John now craves Luke's confession. He wanted to know all of his crimes, from the smallest insignificant piece of stolen candy to him killing his father.

John stood up and walked over to his table, he was going to skip his usual speech about the "Power of Yes". He desperately wanted to hear Luke's confession.

"So let's start easy, tell me what's your name?" John sat next to Luke, watching the disheveled and dirty man close. Luke just looked away, not a word was said. John waited patiently, until about five minutes had passed.

"Luke, you have a part in God's plan, you can't just say no. It will happen whether you want to be or not." Both men's attention had been pulled away when a know came from the door. John angrily stood and marched over to it. Whoever it was was gonna-

"Joseph!" John's train of thought immediately halted in that moment.

"Hello John. I  had heard that Luke had arrived here." John merely nodded as he stood aside. Joseph approached the contained man and sat in the chair in front of him. For an hour they sat there, Joseph waiting, and Luke staring at the floor. The first one to speak would lose, they both understood this. For what seemed like hours they sat in silence. John had left a while ago.

The silence had begun to get to Luke. Joseph knew this as he watched the other begin to shake his head back and forth as an almost bestial growl erupted from his throat.

'WHAT THE HELL DO YOU PEOPLE WANT FROM ME! WHAT YOU WANT TO TAKE SOMETHING FROM ME, I HAVE NOTHING! NOTHING DAMMIT!" Luke violently rocked the chair back and forth before it's back two legs violently broke, splintering and causing him to slam into the floor. A groan escaped him as he sat there, tired and defeated.

Joseph stood and released Luke's binding, before opening the door and ushering Luke. Cautiously, and haphazardly, he stood and sulked over to Joseph. Wrapping his hand around Luke's shoulders, he helped him upstairs.

"I know, you must be in pain. But God has chosen you, you are so important. You can help me save more than I could alone." As they approached something in Luke clicked. if only for a moment he saw him with a child in his arms, next to... a woman, her face was shadowed. Joseph was there, and the sound of thunder could be heard in the distance.

Joseph watched as Luke froze, his face in shock, as tears began to pour over his cheeks. Joseph knew the voice had spoken to Luke, he felt it at his cleansing.

"N-No, I want... I don't... it... n-no..." Joseph could only watch as the man in front of him, whatever he is seeing, begin to believe. Joseph seen it in Luke's eyes, the slight, minuscule doubt hidden in his gaze, a doubt that maybe what Joseph said, wasn't wrong. Luke snatched his bag from beside the front door, and burst through the wooden obstruction. Joseph soon followed to see Luke had been detained quickly, but was still struggling.

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