Chapter Twelve : The Jam

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I slowly opened my eyes, when I came to It looked like I was in a hospital bed. The sun was shining through the window, and a nurse came into the room, just as I woke up.

"Oh Rick, you're awake" said the Nurse.

"How...long was I out" I groaned

"You were asleep for 14 days" said the Nurse

14 Days! I was out for two weeks, just from some accident? I don't feel any different so how was I out for that long?

"You have a visitor today...don't want to keep her waiting" said the nurse

She left the room and Abby came in after her, she had flowers in her hand and her eyes were welling up in tears, was she...worried?

"Hey Abby" I coughed

Abby collapsed on me, sobbing into my shoulder. She squeezed me as if I'd disappear at any moment. Was she really that worried?

"Aaaaggghhh! easy on the hugs" I groaned in pain

"I thought you were dead" Abby cried

"Well...hey! I'm not" I quietly laughed

A couple of hours passed as Abby and I talked, and the nurse came in the bill. I looked at how much it was and I almost dropped the slip. It was 150,000 dollars, I didn't have that much money, but she told me that someone already paid the bill, I let out a long sigh when she mentioned that, and she told me that it was okay for me to go. Abby and I left the hospital, and I began to wonder what this experiment did to me, and who paid the bill.

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