Chapter Fourty Eight: Lost Friend

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"R...R...Rick" Abby asked, sobbing.

"It's me Abby, it's me" I said

She looked me up and down, seeing me covered in red bandages.

"What happened?!" Abby cried

"Well...lets just say that your a lot stronger than you look" I said, laughing to make the mood better

Her bottom lip started to quiver, and she got up and pulled me into a big hug

"Hey easy on the hugs, i'm trying to keep my insides...well inside" I said

"I'm sorry Rick, i'm so so sorry!!" Abby sobbed

Abby kept repeating I'm sorry over and over and over again. She must feel real horrible hurting the one she loves most.

"I'm such a horrible person!!" Abby cried

"No, it wasn't your fault, Mr. Delacroix is the one who made you do it" I said

I looked at Mercedees, and she gave me a thumbs up.

"You should actually thank Mercedees, if it weren't for her I would be dead right now" I said

She got up and gave Mercedees a hug.

"Thank you Mercedees" Abby said

"Yeah was the least I can do. We still need to take Delacroix down" Mercedees said

Abby looked at me with fear in her eyes, and shaking her head. I sighed and looked down

"They still need me Abby..." I said

"No don't! I almost killed you! I don't want to lose you now that we're safe!" Abby cried

"Don't worry, I still need to recover" I said

Mercedees came over and helped me stand up, and looked over to Abby.

"Could you take him to his room" Mercedees asked

Abby wiped her eyes.

"Yeah" She replied

"Thanks Abby" I said

Abby helped me up to my room.

"Thanks for doing this Abby" I said

"How can you do it?" Abby asked

"Do what?" I said

"How do you put up with me?" Abby asked

"Why do you say that" I asked

"I...I almost killed you, and your...still being nice" Abby said, slowly starting to cry.

"Abby, for the last time. It wasn't you who did it, Delacroix had you do it against your will" I said

"I should've fought harder" Abby said

I put my hand on her shoulder, she looked up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Abby...I'm sure you gave it your all" I said, smiling

She looked down, trying to hold the tears back.

"Hey how about you stay in my room with me." I offered

"W...w....what" Abby asked, blushing

"Hey someone needs to protect me while I recover" I replied

"O...okay" Abby responded

Abby opens up the door, takes me inside, and lays me on the bed. She takes off her shoes and she lays down next to me.

"Goodnight Rick" Abby said, closing her eyes.

"You too Abby" I said

Abby smiled at me.

"Oh and by the way" I said

"Yeah?" Abby asked

"I do too" I said

At first Abby was confused by what I said, but then she finally got it and started to blush. I smiled and closed my eyes, falling asleep. It's been a long day.

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