Chapter Eighteen : Test subject #2456

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Abby woke up in a cell, but it wasn't a normal cell from a prison. The cell had glowing blue bars. This place was like it was made in a sci-fi movie, but the thing is... this wasn't any fiction story. This was reality.

"Ugggghhhh" Groaned Abby

Abby sat up, her head pounding. She tried moving her hands, but they were tied with ropes. The only thing not as high tech in the building. Kinda mediocre if you ask her.

"What happened? Where am I?" Abby thought as she tried to get the ropes off.

Just as she thought that, a tall man in a blue suit came in front of her cell. Glaring down at her, smiling.

"Hello Abby" said The man

"Who are you! and how do you know my name" shouted Abby

"Oh Abby...that isn't a very nice way to greet someone" said the Man

"My name is Mr. Delacroix and I know you from your little "boyfriend"

Abby blushed a little, shaking a thought from her head "he is NOT my boyfriend!" Shouted Abby.

"Ha ha ha I beg to differ, Abby. You seem pretty close with him" laughed Mr.Delacroix.

Abby spat on Mr. Delacroix and tried to make a run for it, but the second she got up Mr. Flowers slapped her. Which caused her to fall on the ground.

"Damnit" she groaned as she tried to stand back up. Her head was still throbbing. As soon as she gained she balance she lost it.

"Why can I only remember a few things... It's all so faint to me... " she thought.

She gave into the ground and sat there looking up at Mr.Delacroix. Mr Delacroix got a tissue and wiped the spit off of his cheek.

"Now that you know to never do that again...Follow me." Mr Delacroix said threatenly.

Abby sat there staring at him, refusing to get up, "nah...the ground's pretty comfy."

A few of Mr. Delacroix guards came into few holding fully automatic rifles.

"I won't ask again Abby" said Mr. Delacroix

"Cheese and rice" she yelled quickly and slowly got up, "someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed" she muttered under her breath.

Mr. Delacroix lead Abby to a big room with a glass cylinder in the center. Abby stopped halfway, refusing to go any further. The two guards poked her in the back with both of their gun muzzles.

"Keep moving" said Guard one

Abby quickly ducked under their guns and turned around trying to make a run for it a second time. She then heard a gunshot from behind her, the sound causes her to let out a yelp, and she turned around slowly, there was a bullet hole on the ground an inch away from her. That was probably the cause of the sound

"Next time you try that, the next one will be through your head." said Mr. Delacroix.

Abby sat on the ground and started to fake cry seeing if they would react. Mr. Delacroix was hardly fazed.

"Load her up in the chamber" shouted Mr. Delacroix

"The chamber?" she sobbed.

"Yes that's right, and this is the very same chamber that your "boyfriend" got his power from. There was a mistake on our part, and he survived but hopefully, we won't make that mistake again." said Mr. Delacroix as he started to laugh like a madman.

"What.." She struggled to speak.

The Guards picked her up and threw her into chamber. The glass door closed after they threw her in, and a purple liquid filled the chamber. That was when Abby blacked out.

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