Chapter Sixty Seven: Preparation

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The President had our location and would send a bird in 5. He also said that he would have about 45 station men at Delacroix's base. I pumped my fist, excited that this fight might end after two and a half years. When this whole thing started I was in 8th grade at the age of 17, and now two and a half years have passed and I was 19 which means at this moment my sophomore school year would be ending, leading into my Junior year. Hopefully after this whole so-called "war" would be over and I could go back to a normal life.

"We need to get ready everyone!" I called out

I left the lobby and went into the armory, I was looking through the cabinets full of all kinds of weapons. I was just about to grab a random handgun, but I was interrupted.

"Hey Dash!" Jessica called

"What's up?" I said, looking over my shoulder

"You won't need that gun." Jessica said, smiled. "I already have one for you."

"Huh?" I asked, suddenly intrigued.

Jessica reached behind her and pulled out a decently sized handgun from her back pocket, holding it by the barrel end, she handed it over to me.

"What's it called?" I asked, taking the gun into my hands.

"It's called the Steyr M, it takes a 19mm bullet and it can hold about 15 in its clip." Jessica said

"Nice!!" I said

"I got to go now, I have to give everyone else their guns also, I kinda found types that would best suit them." Jessica replied

She turned around and left the room, I looked down and the Steyr M in my hand and smiled. It did feel nice, not too light, and not too heavy either. I put it in my back pocket and then slid on my hoodie. I then see arms go around my shoulders.

"Yes?~" I said, turning around smiling

It was Abby she gave me a smile.

"Hurry up! Let's go and win this thing!" Abby said

"Yeah, I know." I said

She gave me a peck on the forehead and ran off.

"H...Hey!" I laughed

She giggled as she turned the corner, and I went after her. We reached the lobby when I caught up with Abby she was looking outside at the massive helicopter that was outside. The entire group was standing at the exit.

"You guys ready?" Mercedees said

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said

"Then let's win this thing!" Jason said, holding out his fist

I smirked and hit his fist, it was showtime

"Alright everyone! let's get a move on!" said one of the soldiers

The guy in the passenger seat got out and walked around to help us get in the helicopter, when Mercedees, Brett, and Jessica got in the chopper, I knew who was the soldier.

"Oh god no..." I said

"What is it?" Abby asked

"Dom..." I said coldly

He turned towards me, and his eyes lit up.

"Hey Rick! I barely recognized you, You're a lot leaner than you were in the past." Dom said, smiling

"It's Dash, and don't start talking to me like we're friends now." I said

"Come on...don't be like that, last time I checked I think you were the one who kicked my ass 2 years back." Dom said

"Just shut up and get us there." I said, getting into the helicopter.


From what I was told about half an hour ago, we were almost to the island. I had no sense of direction, or where we were for that matter, because all I saw was water.

"So what's the plan Dash?" Mercedees asked

"Well, I'm thinking of taking Abby and Jason with me." I said

"Alright I'll take Fisher, and Brett and see if we can find any info" Mercedes

"Why? What use will it be if we beat Delacroix" I asked

"You never know" Mercedees responded

"Good point" I replied

I looked out the window and was hit with a sudden realization. I turned back to the group. I felt scared, it reminded me how far I've came, because the was the same fear I felt back when I first got these powers.

"We might not make it back from this." I said

"Yeah, I know." Mercedees said

"Well then, let's hope our deaths are worth something." Jason said

I was with Jason on that, if I was going to die today. I rather have my death mean something. I was scared to die, but this had to be done. Who knew how many people Delacroix could affect?

"We're approaching the LZ." Dom said

I looked out my window and saw the block-shaped building, and there was military personnel on the ground holding back Delacroix's men. I pulled out my gun, smiling.

"Let's kick some ass!!" I said

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