Chapter Fifty: Show and Tell

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Mercedees sat there for a while, trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Well first off, how did you feel when your right eye started to glow?" Mercedees asked

"I felt...more focused if you could say, but it did feel like my left eye went back to normal" I said

"Hmmmm...I would need to talk to Fisher and see if he can run some tests" Mercedees said

"Alright" I said

I was just about to walk out when Abby entered the room, I smiled.

"Morning sleepyhead" I said, smiling

"Morning Rick" Abby beamed

"Good morning Abby, Dash and I just tested a theory I had" Mercedees said

"Oh? What was it" Abby asked

"Dash can control his other power" Mercedees said

"Other power? Like speed isn't the only thing he has" Abby said, thinking

"Well Abby, my speed and strength is much stronger when my eye is active" I said

"Oh! can you show me?" Abby asked

"Sure...lets see if I can do it again" I said

I begin to focus on my heartbeat, the sound of it slowly beating. After awhile my left eye begins to glow.

"Wow" Abby said in awe

"Yeah now that I think I got the hang of it, I think it will help us out!" I said

"Hey Dash I was thinking, We should get ready for another raid if your up to it. All my sources say that Mr. Delacroix will in fact be there. I can train Abby while you contact Fisher, make sure to have him test out our new discovery" Mercedees said

"Alright, see you guys there" I said

I leave the room and make my way to Fisher's testing room. The door to the room was closed, so I gave it a knock.

"Come in" called Fisher from the other side

I enter the room to see Fisher at his computer typing away, he still hasn't went to sleep.

"What do you need?" Fisher said

"I need your help with a test, do have someone equipment I can punch around" I asked

"Yeah" Fisher said

He pulls out a punching back and begins to hook some computers to it.

"What are those for" I asked

"These computers will give me the exact amount of force and impact from your punch and see how strong it was" Fisher said

" you just want me to punch it" I asked

"Yep, I want you to punch it, then punch it again with your left eye glowing. Then keep going from there" Fisher said

I stand back and focus, I start to feel my left eye glowing.

"Alright, let's do this" I say to myself

I took a step back and then threw my fist forwards, slamming it into the punching back

"Alright, now do it with your eye active" Fisher said

"Okay" I said

I activated my eye and did the same thing, Fisher nodded and told me to do it again. I did as he told me to do. His eyes went wide.

"What is it?" I asked

"Dude..." Fisher said

He looks down to the ground, then back up at me

"You could kill someone with this power!" Fisher said

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