Chapter Sixty Eight: Warzone

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We all got out of the chopper and started shooting at Delacroix's goons.

"Appreciate the backup Dash" one of the soldiers said

"Don't mention it" I replied back

I got up from cover and shot 3 guys before going back down, the veteran by me got up and shot about 12 guys before going down. He was a far better shot than I was

"My Daughter is a huge fan of yours" The guy said next to me

"The honor is mine, what's her name?" I asked, blind firing from cover.

"Her name is Fan, she is about to enter her junior year" The soldier replied

", not meaning to sound rude, but that's kind of a weird name." I asked

"No, it alright. It actually means "lethal" in chinese" He said

"Everyone push up!" Dom cried

I climbed over my cover, shooting another 3 guys in the process.

"Clear!" one of the soldier's said

"Clear over here!" another soldier said

"He must be inside!" Jason said

This was it, once I step through those doors. I might not be coming out. The fear came back, but I tried smothering it by putting on a fake face of confidence. I had to do this.

"Dom, as I hate to have you do it. I want you to take everyone back to the helicopter, if I don't come out in 3 hours, you get the fuck out of here!! you hear me!!" I said

"What?!" Abby cried

"DOM! Do you hear me?" I said again

Dom nods quickly, he calls for everyone to follow him, everyone does besides Jason and Abby.

"What are you doing, go!!" I cried

"We aren't leaving you behind" Jason said

"Yeah, I can't let you fight this alone" Abby said

"You don't understand. You could die!! I can't have that happen to..."

Jason came over and punched me, I stumbled back.

"Where is the Dash I know that wouldn't back down from a fight huh?!?! Abby and I are with you together on this, and if we die. Then let us make it worth something!!" Jason said

I opened my mouth to say something but closed it out of hesitation. He had a point, I didn't like this at all, but I finally accepted

"A...alright let's go!" I said

"Good luck Dash!" everyone shouted

I looked up in the sky and saw more helicopter's, they had KCRG and CNN logos on it. They were broadcasting this to the entire world. I didn't know how they got here or why they are, but if I died, hopefully, they would get my sacrifice on camera. I can't be like him, not like I used to be.

"Let's win this thing!" I said

"Or die trying..." Abby said

"That too..." I replied

"Heh, that'd be killer to see" Jason said

We both turned around and made our way into the build, we were crossing the line of no return. We either made it out alive, or we would die trying.

"Guy's hate to say it, but this is no man's land" I said

As we made it further into the building, I started to get the feeling that things were gonna go horribly wrong. The halls were hushed as we continued to go further in, anxiety returned.

"Dash, are you there?" Mercedees said over my phone

"Yeah, what's up" I asked, getting pulled out of my thoughts

"We just got into the Buildings archive system, from what the military had, we will start getting all the info we can while you are in there fighting Delacroix." Mercedees replied

"Alright, Dash out" I said, hanging up

After a while we made it into this big lobby area, it was empty and quiet as the hallways while walking across I felt a presence, and it wasn't ours.

"Whoever's there, come out!" I shouted

Someone came out from behind one of the pillars, it was Miles

"Good evening, Dash" Miles said

"To you as well" I said, holding my arm back to keep my friends from getting closer.

"It sure has been awhile" Miles smiled

"Yeah, since I kicked your ass that is" I laughed

I could tell I hit a weak spot, he gritted his teeth together but then took a deep breath and let it out.

"Well, it seems that you had made it pretty far, not only have you cleared out about 3 of our facilities, but you made it to what makes them all run. I have to say I'm impressed" Miles said

"What can I say, your security was pretty garbage" I said, smiling

"Heh, unfortunately, I can't let you pass, Delacroix's orders" Miles said, shrugging

"Still his lap dog huh? Come on Miles, I thought after 2 years you would be doing something better with your life" I said

"I just hope that your bark can hold up to your bite, cause a lot can happen in 2 years" Miles said

I held out my hand to have him stop talking.

"Wait don't tell me, I know you might be faster than me, so don't tell me something I already know" I said

"I AM FASTER!" He shouted

"Ha ha you are too easy" I said, smiling

"Alright, enough talking!" Miles said

He crouched down a little bit getting ready to charge me. I started to start grinning, trying to hide the fear that was rising up in my chest

"Hell yeah! finally a real challenge for once!" I said

He ran towards me and before I could react he punched me in the jaw. I flew back and barely managed to catch myself on the ground, when I looked up he was driving towards me, arms extended. I got up and held out my hands ready for his attack, he pushed me back into a wall, I managed to get my legs back right as we collided into a wall, standing vertically on the wall, we were pushing each other back and forth, the wall was cracking due to the amount of force Miles was putting down on me.

"Wow, I'd admit you are pretty quick" I strained

I pushed off the wall and I threw him to the ground, he pressed off his hand to recover and before I could react he kicked me clean across the room, due to how fast his leg moved it threw me like a toy. I landed on my back and slid back a little, I shook my head to clear the dizziness out of my head, looking over at Miles's direction, Miles was already coming down on me with a punch. I rolled backward and pressed off the ground with my hands, but he kept attacking, so I kept going back, trying to avoid his attacks. He managed to hit me in the gut sending me flying into a wall, the air in my lungs left my body like a tumbleweed in the wind.

"Come on Dash, is that all you have left. I guess I have to do some persuasion to get you to go all out" Miles said, smiling

He turned around and began walking towards Abby.

"No! Don't you lay a finger on her!!" I shouted

Jason then steps in front of the two.

"You aren't touching her" Jason said coldly

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