Chapter Twenty One: Captured

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I woke up to the sound of glass breaking and stuff being knocked over. What was Fisher doing out there?

"What is going on out there" I said

I got up, put on my pants, and went out into the main room. I saw a bunch of armed people. My eyes went wide and I quietly took cover, my heart was racing.

"Is that him?" I thought

I peeked around and saw Fisher being shoved to the ground by the guards, I felt like my heart would shoot out of my chest. I was scared.

"Get on the ground now!" Shouted one of the guards

"Okay okay" said Fisher

"They got Fisher!" I thought

I don't know what happened by I was already at another crate, I was closer to the danger. My body moved on its own.

"No! I don't want to get closer...I...I could die!" I thought

"Okay Fisher. I'm going to ask this question nicely. Where is Rick" Threatened Mr. Delacroix.

"He's not here" Said Fisher coldly

A guard came up and punched Fisher in the stomach, he let out a grunt of pain and dropped to the floor, I winced when I heard the hit, It looked like it hurt. I didn't know what to do, my friend was being attacked and I couldn't even move my legs. I closed my eye, tears coming to my eyes.

"Damnit!" I cried

I climbed up onto the stack of crates and pushed off my hands when I landed on the ground I went for the nearest guy. I ran up and punched him after he fell I went for the next one. He lifted up his gun as I was reaching him, so I slid on the ground and kicked his gun out of his hand, then got up and punched him. There was a guard across the room so I ran over to him, and when I reached him I did a tornado kick, which knocked him to the ground. I started to smile

"Yes! I really can fight!" I thought

I heard a click from behind me as I felt the cold barrel of a gun on the back of my head, my heart sank, and my fear started to sink in.

"Stop running around like a fool Rick, You're embarrassing yourself." laughed Mr. Delacroix

I ignored the fear and I turned around and hit the gun out of his hand, and was about to attack again when I heard a loud bang, I then felt a burning pain in my shoulder. I looked over to my arm and I saw blood pouring out. I fell back and started to scream in pain. He had another gun with him

"This hurts...It hurts a lot! It's unbearable!" I thought

"Put your hands behind your back" said Mr. Delacroix

I forced myself to lift my arms over my head, and in doing so, pain shot through my arm.

"Where is Abby" I said coldly, gritting my teeth

"I don't know what you're talking about" Mr. Delacroix laughed

"Don't lie to me!" I shouted

He kicked me back, and it caused me to land on my back, knocking the wind out of me. My arm was throbbing in pain

"Don't back talk to me boy, I can easily kill you right now" Mr. Delacroix threatened

Delacroix turned to his men.

"Take them to the cell, but leave Rick alive. I want to kill him myself so his "girlfriend can watch"

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