Chapter Twenty Eight: Betrayal

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It didn't take me long to get to the restaurant, I had some time to kill, so I decided to order something. I got my order and sat down in one of the booths, and started to eat my meal. Hours passed and I was ready to get up and leave, thinking Fisher wouldn't show up, but before I got up to leave, Fisher came in. He walked over to me and sat in the booth I was in.

"Hey Rick" Fisher said

"Sup Fisher" I replied

I could tell that Fisher was hiding something, but I didn't mention anything of it.

"So...I got word that Abby and you took one of my guys out" said Fisher coldly

That sent a chill down my spine, was Fisher working for the dead man? Mr. Delacroix

"W...what?" I asked

I assume you have already put two and two together, I work for the big man" laughed Fisher

I gritted my teeth together, he betrayed me!

"son of a b..."

"Hey hey, language" sneered Fisher.

My words died in my mouth, I couldn't believe it... my best friend was working with the enemy. I felt my hand crunch into a fist.

"Why" I said, coldly

"Mr. Delacroix is a multi-billionaire, after your so-called "fight" with him, he took me in for questioning, he was willing to keep me alive if I joined him, I declined it at first, but when he put a lot of money on the table...I couldn't say no to that" said Fisher

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I felt my anger rising, I stood up from the booth and began walking away, I turned my head over my shoulder

"Tell Delacroix to get back in his grave...I'm done here" I said

As I continued walking I felt something cold touch my back, it felt like a gun barrel, I stopped as fear ran up my spine, I mean...I did take down a multi-billionaire businessman, but the fear of dying and having a gun pointed to your back doesn't really just disappear, I'm no god.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you" whispered Fisher

Fisher leaned closer, whispering in my ear.

"I won't hesitate to kill you in front of all these people" whispered Fisher

Some people started to stare at Fisher and me, as if completely oblivious to the fact that I have a gun pointed directly at my back, I smiled. Making sure I don't draw any unwanted attention that could potentially get me killed.

"Okay...okay" I said, swallowing the fear

Fisher and I walked back to the booth, gun still pointed at my back. I sat down and he sat down across from me, aiming the gun at me under the table.

"Smart move, would be a shame if I had to break the terrible news to Abby" said Fisher, smiled

That pushed me too far, ignoring the fear, I kicked the gun out of Fisher's hand, having it hit the ground with a metallic clang, I then grabbed him by the throat and ran outside, so I wouldn't get anyone hurt, I threw him against the restaurant's walls, knocking the wind out of him.

"Listen here Fisher...don't bring Abby into it?! Or I wouldn't hesitate to do the same to you..." I said, staring him down

Fisher let out a few coughs before finally getting his sentence out.

"It was nice...... to see you again, Rick" He said

I let go of him, having him hit the ground. I turn around and started walking away, but before I made it to the sidewalk, I heard the sound of a gun being activated, as if someone pushed down the hammer, I slowly turned back around and see Fisher holding a high caliber Light Machine Gun at me. My fear shot through the roof, how did he get something so powerful! And second of all, how for someone his size able to hold that thing straight, I saw him smile before squeezing the trigger. The sound of gunfire filled the air as I dove behind a car for cover. When I made it behind the car, I felt a sharp burning pain in my shoulder, the sleeve on my shirt was dark red, I'd been shot.

"Dammit, I have been hit" I thought

I started to get scared, My arm was hurting so much that it brought tears to my eyes, I held back the urge to scream, hopefully, I could fool Fisher into thinking I was dead. The gunshots eventually stopped, so I thought my plan worked, but I then heard Fisher's footsteps get closer, I then felt the barrel on the side of my head, making my blood go cold.

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