Chapter Twenty Three: Separated

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We thought of a plan, we were gonna break out, tonight. We waited for hours, and we were about to fall asleep when I heard loud footsteps come our way. My eyes shot open as a big brute came and stood in front of our cell door, and without saying a single word grabbed Abby and began to run away

"Hey!" I shouted

I ran out of the cell and in front of him to stop him from escaping, and when he noticed me I threw a punch. It hit his jawline, but his head didn't even move. It was as if I hit a brick wall. He looked at me with pure anger in his eyes

"Oh shit..." I mumbled

He punched me back, causing me to be knocked far across the room. I hit the ground and spun around a bit from the force of the punch. A little dazed, I shot back up and ran towards him. He threw a punch as I was running towards him, as I saw his punch reach its apex, I slid in between his legs and managed to get Abby out of his hands. Abby was a little nauseous from the sudden change in speed, but she held up.

"What are you doing?!" Abby said

"I can't take that guy head on!" I cried

"But..." Abby said

We turned a corner and I sat Abby down.

"You need to run, get out of here!" I cried

"I...I can't leave you behind, are you insane!" Abby shouted

"Listen to me! Get out of here!" I shouted

She nodded and started to run, I had no choice. I needed to fight this guy, my feet were shaking, but I had to do it if I want Abby and I to get out of her. I turned around the corner we just came down and saw the guy standing at the end of the hall.

"Alright big and me right here" I shouted, swallowing the lump of fear in my throat

The guy rushed towards me, I waited for him to get closer and as he did he threw a punch in my direction, I dodged to the left, watching as his fist slowly go passed me. Using this to my advantage, I pushed his arm down and threw my fist into his throat. He started to choke, his hands grabbing his neck in response. I then threw another punch at him which caused him to fall to the ground. After making sure he was down for good. I went off searching for Abby, hopefully, she made it out.

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