Maybe a Book on the Horzion

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So, I dunno, but, I really dunno how to explain this, but I'm going to do this as the most dull and the most straightforward way as possible, as the title says.

I have a new book idea.

I'm still really conflicted about this, it's going to be a risky change, I dunno if you guys will like it, I dunno if you guys will even read it, but if not, that's still okay, don't worry, it's still a PJO book, just not an elementals sequel, it will not be published on the elementals name, I'm sorry, but I feel like I've milked the most I can from this book, I set up the ending so that a sequel would be a very hard thing to do.

The thing is, before I publish a book, it undergoes multiple levels of what you can essentially call a filter, this book underwent a filter like a test write/read to see how this book will perform, weeks before the first chapter was published, like this book, and the book before that, and the book before that, and the book before that, now the problem I have is that the approach of this book is quite a risky move, nothing to major, but I dunno, I for one think it's quite cool and takes a new perspective on Percy, but I dunno.

Anyways, I'm going to take probably a week rest, and lay off of writing from that time span, then after that, I will drive straight into writing again, I can hardly wait, but, it is necessary for me to rethink the whole plan of the book and to completely polish the plot line for it to actually be decent for a book, I still need to connect all of the ideas into one finished plot line, I hope you guys can respect this decision.

Good bye everyone, have a lovely day to all of you.



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