Clockwork messed up

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((So this is the second chapter hope you like it! But I hope you know it's a longer chapter then usual))

Masky's P.O.V

When I woke up I was thinking about yesterday. I never read had hit Toby had I?Any way I take a shower and get dressed in my usual. I go downstairs not that tired even if I only slept probably 5 hours last night.

When I got down stairs it was 5 a.m, walking to the kitchen I made cereal and sat down at my usual set.Nothing really new this morning, I see Brian is up and found Sally in his closet again from the scream and big thud.I saw clockwork coming downstairs and I waved at her then ate the rest of my cereal. She sat next to me, well this is new " and Toby haven't fought as much ya know"I nodded, I guess she's right but I haven't seen him that much either.

"I just think...why don't you two try and be ...friends, even if it is bad of what you did..." I laughed and put away my bowl when I look back at her she was pissed"what?"I asked tilting my head.She grabbed my by my ear and dragged my outside"WHAT IS IT WITH YOU" I grown she's Tobys friend of cores she already knows about the fight, I'll play dumb for now" I have no idea what your talking about"I say with a hidden smile."your uncle..."I stoped for a moment "what?"I question her

"Don't play dumb! He killed Lyra" I crossed my arms"why do you think he's my uncle!" I say in defense "BECAUSE OF HIS FACEBOOK"I'm lost here"and you didn't wanna pick him up when he was drunk."Exuse me?!"I-"she looked behind my with her one eye it was open all the way, I hear crying. When I turn around.....there was

Clockwork's P.O.V

"Toby, hey!"I say awkwardly.He's clenching his fist and sobbing"y-y-yo-yo-you.." Masky backs up, and toby runs at him.He hit Masky in the crotch and Masky falls back toby then hits him over and over again.It doesn't seem good"HOODIE"I scream as I try and pull toby off Masky as he cry's "TOBY CALM DOWN".Masky won't hit him back wonder why.all he does is protectors face or mask."GET OFF HIM"Toby sees he's not hitting back and kicks him in he crotch "FUCK YOU YOU TWITCHING BRAT!"hoodie wasn't coming.

I didn't wanna do it, but I had to "SLENDERMAN HELP US!" I scream as loudly I could ,then I black out. I wake up on the couch and Toby was also knocked out I look to my left, there's Masky siting on the other couch looking down. I can't see his mask"m-...Masky?"I asked he looked up. This is the first time I have ever seen him without his mask. He had blue eyes, sideburns, a jawline that could cut paper and a black eye.. probably from Toby."why didn't you fight back." I asked in concern.

  He looked back down"I don't know..."oh even he doesn't know. In comes slender he sat next to me"know what the fuck happened for Toby to beat the shit out of Masky?!" I gulp he's using his 'lie to me and I'll gut you alive' voice."I pulled masky outside to yell at him, the night before I found out his uncle was in jail once .I found out it was because he was drunk driving and hit the car that had toby and Lyra in it because Masky refused to pick him up. When I looked over I saw toby was gonna sneak up and jump on maskys back or something and heard the whole thing. He was angry and attacked him..."I said in defense, slender looked at Toby then at Masky "Why does Timothy have marks but toby looks fine besides his puffy eyes."slender asked "Well....Toby was cry that explains the puffy eyes.. and Masky refused to hit toby even after he kicked him in the crotch twice"

Slender nodes then left. Toby woke up on the third couch. He refused to look at Masky, or even talk to him....and me.He left to his room with his arms crossed. "You wanna know something clockwork" Masky said angrily.I nod regretfully "I don't have an uncle, my parents both don't have siblings "he got up and left too....I fucked up...really bad!

Hoodies P.O.V

I walk into the living room, Clockwork seems un-happy leaning on her legs with her hands on her eyes"You okay clocky?"she looked at me"I made a big mistake"her voice sounded trembly "what happened?"I sat next to her
-after explaining that mess to hoodie-
"Oh. My. Zalgo" that's all I could say. How did she mess that up?! Now there further apart, great just great.

We go to our meeting spot we asked slender to follow us there, it's an old tree house Sally used to play in and forgot about."why did you both bring me here, I have lots of work to do" I sat on the floor next to a table and clockwork did to"we need help..." slender tilted his head"With what exactly?". I coughed "Toby and Masky..."I said looking down "What about them?" He sat down as well "I made a big mistake...turns out tha-"slender cuts her off "Masky's parents don't have siblings?"We both nodded"y-yes"I say shyly."We Wanted to bring them closer to help there relationship...I lectured Masky when he got into a fight with Toby ""And I made a point system...basically if Toby started a fighting he gets a point at the end of the week if he has ten points I'd lecture him...and if Masky got ten points I'd make him breakfast in bed... if they both didn't get ten at the end of the week I'd take his place at Sally's tea party"she explained and slender nodded "And you want my help because you believe you have ruined everything you had been working on"we nodded

He looked to the side"I'll help you but only because I'm sick of them fighting and ruining there missions."I look up under the mask I was smiling. Clockwork smiled to "but this better not get in the way of your work next time ask Kate to help you"

Clockwork's P.O.V

Kate? Who's Kate? Hoodie seems happy"Sorry sir but...who the hell is kate?" I looked at hoodie at he spring up"Who's Kate? Just the most ama-"slender interrupted"his girlfriend"I laughed I thought he'd be forever alone"STOP LAUGHING, ITS NOT FUNNY"I couldn't help myself "I thought you'd be forever alone "I wheezed in between laughter."GERRR"What he gonna bark at me?!he sat back down and crossings his arms"Well then...I have an idea I'll send them on a mission alone and tell them if they don't compete it before tomorrow, they'd get punished"punishment.... it is torture and no not hurting them physically...but mentally."I don't think scaring them will help.." I said but he already left, "hoodie...we messed up, BAD!"

Masky's P.O.V

Slender called Toby and me into his office.I walk to the door and Toby is already there he growls at me then I sit down ignoring him"I have a mission for you two, there's a woman at a bar who was supposed to die yesterday she didn't so you both are going to kill her" excuse me?!"So here's what's gonna happen, Masky is going to go to this bar and Tobys gonna wait outside. Masky will get the lady drunk and take her 'home' but really he's going to take her out back and Toby is going to run into the bar with a cut and act like it hurts a lot and ask for help. Everyone is going to pay attention to Toby and Masky is gonna kill the lady how ever he can then paint the operator symbol on the wall with her blood. Toby will point behind them and run as there attention is will come back..oh and if you fail your both going to be punished"I stand up"I'm supposed to work with him?!" Slenderman nodded "You can't be serious!"he got angry "you will do the mission"he said with a stern voice I mumbled my way out the door as I hear Toby ticking about how he could never work with me, but I don't care at this point he better not fuck this up or he's dead meet!

((HA told you it was long the hole word count it: 1493.Hope you liked this chapter!!Byee))

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