i hate this costume and i hate love

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//HAI! , please enjoy. //

Masky's POV

It's about a week after Toby was sick and I won't lie, it was a mess keeping people out of his room. Just in case he infected him with whatever he had. But tomorrow is Halloween, I'm not that excited. Slender man said we should go out with sally on Halloween for victims, the catch it we have to dress up. As a kid I'd be ecstatic to dress up but I'm older now and it just seems like a wast.

The day has already started and everyone is up, well everyone except Toby witch I find weird. I asked Clockwork if he was sick again and she said yes so I guess it's not that big of a deal. I guess he'll be fine but I don't know for sure. Shit I forgot I had to get my damn costume from slender. All I was told was to get the costume today and try it on to make sure it fits.

I walk to my bosses office and knocked on the door, he opened the door and I walked in. "I came here to try the costume on?" I said as he shut the door behind me. He pointed to a bottle on his desk. "Umm s-sir I think you miss heard me. I said a costume." He pointed at the bottle again. "Drink it" I was confused but I guess I'll try it. I walked over to the bottle and moved my mask out of the way. I picked the drink up and examined it. It was a red liquid in a bottle with the words "DRINK ME" on it.

I look back at slender for him to give A reassuring glance. Then I drink it.

It tasted like shit, it was kinda gooey and somewhat of a mix of salty and ... what is that other taste?! I started feeling hazy and my hearing cuts out. Am I dying? Was slender finally done with me?! Is what what happened to CR?! The one Kate kept talking about! Oh wait I'm just passing out.

Slender man's POV

As Tim falls back I catch him and take him back to his room. I didn't like that this was the costume plan, sally came up with it. It's a potion like liquid that turns a person into a costume, if that costume was real. Sally said it would make people ask them questions and get them alone. I set Tim on his bad and left the room.. he's gonna throw a hissy fit like Toby did.

Masky's POV(again)

I woke up, shit was that a dream? I can't remember so what's the point of trying to figure it out. I get up from my bed and rub my eyes. I walked to the bathroom to take a shower if it was the morning until I saw what I looked like...
I had on a red coat, yellow undershirt, purple pants and I had a bunny mask on. When I tried to take it off it would come off- it's glued to my damn face! As I was trying to take the mask off something fell out of my pocket, a old pocket watch. Is this my costume? The white rabbit? I am the white rabbit?! Nononono-!

I can't leave my room looking like this until I saw some purple stripes appearing behind my from the mirror. I turned around, whoever this is I assume they are the Cheshire Cat. The rest of them appeared and I see it's Toby. His mask was a different color pink and purple he has a striped hoodie on and a over coat and a hat with his goggles and some ears on it. But behind him, his tail was moving and his ears. "O-Oh fuck I'm to late." Toby said looking at me and I just look at him.

I don't mean to be that one character who's the meanest of mean with one soft spot. but I fucking love cats. I walk towards Toby and pat his head. Toby looked like he was shaking and I pulled my hand away. "Sorry! I didn't think I'd d-do that..." did I just fucking stutter.

"I-I-It's u-uhh, okay I g-guess" Toby said stepping back. "Well. How d-do we h-h-hide from everyone? We still h-have to carve pumpkins with sally." He's right, we all agreed to help the kids celebrate Halloween today and tomorrow. I sighed and I felt my mask burning me. "Fuck!" I said grabbed my head the burning feeling increased and I didn't know how to fell. I'm not stupid or anything so I usually never get burnt, I'm quite good with pain but this. This made a stabbing feel like fucking ice. I got on my knees and tried pulling the mask off. I could tell Toby was panicking not knowing what was going on, this probably happened to him but he can't feel pain he so couldn't notice.

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