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((Hope ya don't mind I made some art and wanted to post it but anyway.HAVE ANOTHER CHAPTER BETTER ENJOY IT))

3rd person P.O.V

As everyone went to sleep Toby was still up, curled into a ball,crying quietly.He couldn't help it, he was asleep before he woke up almost 20 minutes ago.Toby had a dream...a horrible dream. In the dream he was in another room this room was red with hearts all around it and in the middle there was you guessed it, Masky.Toby ran up to Masky and hugged him"I love you!"Toby screamed no ticking no twitching he seemed normal."well I don't!!you brat!"Masky then pushed Toby back as everything in the room swapped it was now black and the hearts turned to shattered glass"YOUR USLESS!AND STUPID!!!NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO YOU FUCK IT UP"Toby's ticks returned and badly "b-but ma-m-Masky I-"the dream Masky had interrupted and took his mask off"ALL YOU DO IS ANNOY ME AND MESS UP MY LIFE, YOU CANT DO ANYTHING"Masky lifted his arms and was about to hit him before he could Toby woke up crying in a cold sweat.

He's been like that all night.He's had this same dream a few times before but alway woke up after Masky says annoying, never gotten to him almost hitting him.

And in came clockwork this was 2 days after the party and she had sobered up."Toby...."she always came in at this time to check up on him, she's almost like a mom to him.She sat on his bed and rubbed his arm in attempt to comfort him"witch one was it..."she said quietly as to not wake anyone up"m-Masky al-almost h-h-hit me..."she looked at him and hugged him. he was still crying

"'s okay...he wouldn't hurt you..."she messed with his hair.


Maskys P.O.V

I woke up at my usually time in a black tank top and pajama pants.I was to lazy to get ready now so I just put on my mask then went downstairs and ate my breakfast ,I'll get ready later.

I see clockwork and she seems on edge "Hey Masky"I nodded as she grabbed a pop tart, seems like a lazy day for everyone."So you seem tired"I was tired "yep"I felt drugged if were putting it like that. She sat at her usually eating her food and in cane Toby more dead looking then usual."Sup Rogers "he shook his head to wake up some more"H-Hay Masky!" I chuckle "ya know you don't have to act happy I mean it's like 5"he nodded and grabbed some waffles as alway and sat next to me, okay that's new.

"Seems like todays a lazy day for everyone"clockwork nodded ""I finish my breakfast and put my plate away.I go upstairs to get ready.

Toby P.O.V

I see Masky walk away and sigh.luck us we didn't fight, well that's good.I got up and put my plate away then went upstairs.i got dressed in my usual and went downstairs with a skip, we really haven't fought sense ..well I forgot ANYWAY. I was happy anyway.

I sat on the couch as Masky comes down looking hot as fu-FINE, he's in his usual too...okay now I just feel weird I turn on the tv to distract myself "breaking news!! TOBY LIKES MASKY"I screech and fall off the couch "uhh Rogers you okay?"I quickly get up "D-D-DID Y-YOU H-H-HEAR WHAT THEY S-SAID"he nodded and I felt like passing out"yeah, they said Twinkie's do expire, calm down beside you don't eat them"he kept walking

AM I TRIPPING!!! HE DIDN'T HEAR THAT.Okay maybe I'm just crazy I get back on the couch and shit they do expire.

Slender calls me ,Masky and hoodie into his office for a mission"Got another person who chose not to die when they were supposed to, this time I'll give you some things, the persons name it Erica white, kill her anyway you can. She's 25 and extremely colorful hair, she lives **** on ******** ave.She will be a tough one all she cares about is her sketch book and her little brother. Gotta killer her by Wednesday, now go"

We get up and leave I go grab my hatchets to tie them to my belt.I wait at the door with Masky, we wait for hoodie in silents "so what was with you and the tv earlier?"I can feel my face heat up "WH-WHAT DO YOU MEAN!!!!I-N-N-NOTHING!YOU DUMBO!"I'm a hot pepper by now"are you okay? Your redder then blood"he stepped closer and I poked his chest for him to back off"N-NO NOT A-A-A-AT ALL!!"then here comes hoodie and I sighed in relief.We leave to go see were miss Erica white is.

Maskys P.O.V

Toby has been acting extremely weird lately..was it the last mission? Damn it. I guess I wasn't paying attention and ran into a tree. I backed up and grabbed my mask "you g-good?"I should be asking you that Rogers"I'm fine"we kept walking in silence until we got to her house "okay so I'll stay out here and worn you if the police come, Toby go and see if there are any other people in the house and Masky you attempt to kill the girl."we both nodded.

I climbed into what I thought was her room and holy dweeb!there were posters of-fucking every anime ever! And one wall with just art of guys making out! I feel un-easy and her room was a mess! Papers,charger, pillows, food rappers, ramen ,AND ANYTHING ELSE. I have no clue how a person can live like this I guess it's a habit but I start cleaning it, I finally realize what I was doing I grabbed some scissors from her desk and walked over to her silently.

She had crazy colored short hair and wearing all black, I raise the scissors looking at her head and the right place to strike until a hear a little boy scream as the girl wakes up"BUBA!"she pushes me to the flor then I hear Toby scream "ROGERS"I get up and run behind her.

She makes it to her brothers room before me as I followed close behind as I hear her brother try and explain and I stand behind her"SISI WHOS THAT BEHIND YOU"he cried she looked behind me and I kick her to the ground as she falls on a toy train"TROY JUST GO" the little boy got out of bed and jumped out the window."how selfless of you sweetie~saving your brother instead of you~"

I hack at her head with the scissors."Rogers?"I realized I couldn't see him."Hey!"I stepped into the room and the closet door opened "s-s-sup"he smiled and I sighed he was okay-WAIT WHY DO I CARE?!

"We got to go before the little guy calls the police"I put my gloves hands into my pockets.We walked out of the house and found Hoodie being kicked by the little kid, me n' Toby grab hoodie then run.

Toby's P.O.V

We ran back but took a break, by a tree stump and set hoodie down"okay so how the hell did you get the shit beat out of you, by a kid?"Masky asked a little mad"the kid kicked me in the crotch then the back of my knee and after I fell the kid just beat the crap out of me!"Hoodie said.i never really understood why guys hate being kicked in the crotch, I mean I've been kicked in the crotch before and didn't feel anything.

Masky just sighed, I looked around "ay, I-is it just me or d-d-do I feel like w-were being wh-watched?"I asked a little shaken up. Really what happened in that kids room-


I walk into the house threw the back door and went around looking for anyone. I found a little boy, dark hair, pale, most importantly, asleep.I stand by his bed looking at him..I kinda felt bad all he had is his sister I didn't find anyone but the kid I knew where Erica's room was, with Masky I can trust him.I'll just watch the kid for now. I look around and his room is a mess but I leave it, looking back at the kid he starts to wake up, quick I shut his mouth so he didn't scream 'if I just kill him I could leave'I though as I grabbed one of my hatchets.

The little guy grabbed my arm and flipped me over as he screamed.

Not even a second later "BUBA!"shit she's up but I screamed too."ROGERS!"Masky ?!i ran into the closet as the kid backs up I hear a lot of noise then a"SISI WHOS THAT BEHIND YOU!"Poor kid, it's Masky and I know it.i hear a thud"TROY JUST GO"I hear glass shatter . Masky said something but I couldn't hear, all I heard was her death."Rogers"I stood still for a second "Hey!"I poke my head out the closet door and step out "s-s-sup"I smiled to know he's okay.

((Hey so I hope you liked this chapter is was longer so I could catch up on the last chapter because it was so short.if you didn't like it that's okie have a good day))

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