Take a sick day

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I've noticed my newest stuff on here Isn't getting many views and I just wanna know why. Also- TAKE A MEME FOR YOUR TROUBLES. Or if you don't have troubles just have a meme.

Toby's P.O.V

I woke up from yesterday, my prince charming... what was I thinking? He's not my prince he's just a friend that hates my guts who just happens to protect me. I can't believe myself, I don't wanna like Masky. Besides even if I did, is he even gay? Probably not. He definitely likes girls or at least is bi. I keep thinking and thinking, I don't wanna get up. And I don't think anyone wants to see me today either, I can't bare to stand up either. When I started thinking I couldn't peace it together why he didn't want me to know the guy who attacked  me up was there and kill him, just to blame it on Hoodie?

It makes no sense, maybe he knows I like him and doesn't want me to like him more?!

Be quiet!
Unlike you we are trying to sleep!
He knows you like him and fucking hates your guts deal with it!
Oh look he's crying, how selfish. You wake us up and you cry?! Ha! What?!

I was crying, I didn't know my voice's slept. Wait a minute "who j-just talked l-l-last?" I swear I know that voice but who?

She wasn't supposed to talk...
Well she did- SHUT HER UP NOW!

"Wha-What?!" Then Clockwork walked in "buddy? I heard you crying and talking to them... you okay?" I didn't know If I was, I was sad, confused, and somewhat mad. "Can you sh-shut the d-d-door?" She shut the door and walked in.

"What happened this time?" She sat on my bed with her entire body on my bed so I know she's worried and ready to hug me. "Sally came into my room last night and told me what Masky did..." it was clear on Clockwork's face that she didn't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. "And so?"

I looked at the ground, "Wh-What if he knows I l-l-like him, and he didn't want me to l-like me more. So he'd just s-s-sayes hoodie did it just so I'd lose interest?" Clockwork started laughing, to the point she was wheezing.

"Wha-What's so f-f-funny?" She wiped one of her eye with her hand, she was laughing so hard she started to tear up, damn. Anyway she got closer and hugged me, "Oh Toby, Toby, Toby. You're stupid." "Huh? H-how am I st-st-stupid?" Clockwork shook her head. "Never mind I'll explain later." I stoped crying as me and Clockwork talked with me. We talked for a hour and a half, after that we decided to go get something to eat. We don't really have a time to eat or sleep we just do it, Slender isn't to strict about that.

We go downstairs and it's about 5 am. A normal time to wake up definitely, there's Masky passes out at the table again. I decided to mess with him as Natalie made some breakfast or us. I moved Masky's head a little bit and took his mask off carefully. I saw his face again, the face I only see 3 times. I stare at him forgetting what I was gonna do after this. Until I saw his eyes flutter open, "Heeeyyy m-m-Masky-" he looked at my hand and saw that I was holding his mask. "Give it back Rogers. Now." I backed up and dropped the mask. "Toby what the- what the hell?" I guess he doesn't like his mask being touched. I quickly picked it up, and my arm twitched- I SWEAR IT WAS A TWITCH! But I put him mask on, the one he wears all the time, the one that touches him all the time.. it's like a kiss- NOT THAT I WANTED A KISS FROM HIM!

"TOBY! WHAT THE FUCK?!" I kept the mask on and ran I don't know what I was thinking but I could hear him chase after me. "You two get back here!" I could hear Clockwork yell, she really does tolerate me more then she should. I keep running and running g until I find myself at a dead end. I looked back at Masky as he ran at me and snatched his mask back, "Why the hell did you put my mask on, Or take it?! I was sleeping Rogers!" I didn't know how to respond. "I-it was a t-t-twitch..." Masky tied his mask to his belt. "Oh yeah? Then why in God's name did you run?" I shrugged and tried moving past him and go eat my breakfast.

But I wasn't moving and Masky seemed a lot closer than before, "T-Tim?" He was pinning me against the wall."T-Tim?!" I panicked.  He grabbed my face and took my mask off "Wha-What are you d-d-doing?!" I was blushing blood red I probably looks like a tomato. The he leaned in and- HIT ME ON THE FUCKING HEAD! (Lol u probably hate me rn)

I looked at him as he walked away, my head didn't fling back, nor my body. So I assume it wasn't really a hit but still he scared me, why'd he take my mask off.

Because you took his off he still has your mask also, you should probably go get it. ;)

SHIT HE DOES. I guess I was to Busy talking to myself I didn't notice and besides the feeling of being watched was getting to me. I ran after him asking for my mask. "You'll get it back later, besides you look better with it off." Did he just complement me?! OH MY GOD HE DID! "But wh-What about m-m-my gash?" He shrugged. "It gives you personality." He said sitting down at the table with Clockwork having already made breakfast. "What just happened? Where you two making out~ I mean both of your mask are gone~ plus Toby is as read as smile dogs fur." I see Tim look at me did he not notice before? I guess not, "is he sick?" Clockwork shook her head, "no just blushing, but really what did you two do~"

I sat down at my normal set, "N-Nothing..." Tim looked at me again. "You alright Toby?" I shrugged and ate my breakfast. "Well I ran after him, got my mask back and took his as punishment. And don't say shit like that again Natalie it's weird and I hate it." Clockwork rolled her one eye. "You hate everything Tim."

Aside from that we ate our breakfast, "I'm n-not red for a we-we-weird reason, I'm probably j-just sick anyway." Tim looked at me "then you should use your sick day today" he said going back to eating. I looked at him " but I h-have things t-to do today!" I twitch. "So? You'll still not do it, I do most of your work." He wasn't wrong, but I'm not sick! I'm just... ugh, me I guess. "Y-you're righ- Wait y-y-you do my work?". "Uhhh, yeah?have you ever filed a report Toby?" I tilted me head, "hah? Wh-what report?" I twitched. "Exactly, take a day off it's not that much trouble besides slender should be okay with it. " I nodded as I ate the rest of my breakfast and put the dishes away. I went back to my room not wanting to seem suspicious. I still didn't get my mask back witch sucks.

Aside from that I laid down on my bed feeling cold, so I went under my blankets. As if it couldn't get awkwarder, is that a word? Masky walked in with a trey- FUCK. He walked in and placed it by my bed on my night stand and he patted my head then left. I'm not sure he noticed I was asleep but thank god he didn't ask any questions.

Masky's POV

I walked into Toby's room.His room isn't empty or anything just not decorated, it's messy and could use a clean but I didn't wanna fight whatever lives in that hell hole so I just avoided the mess. I set a trey on his bed side and walked out. He can't feel himself being sick but slender doesn't want anyone else to get sick. I wish i had to stay and see if he would be fine alone. Honestly he didn't seem that sick but you never know, he did look red and I assume his body was weaker then normal as he didn't push or hit me when I pinned him against the wall earlier.

I just left the room as I heard Jane "OooOo" I turn around. "What?" She was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed near clockworks door. "You and Toby have a make out session?" I tilt my head. "Excuse me? Why is everyone even sayin that?! No he's sick I just came by to drop off some stuff to help!" I said getting defensive. "Besides, I'm pretty sure you and clockwork have been making out, seeing as your mask isn't on right and your dress is practically falling off!" I walked off angrily.

I don't like Toby! That would be weird, and stupid. I said I loved him once... and I didn't mean it.
Oh hell no. Now I know I'm not hearing shit, that's bull crap. I walk to Slender's office to tell him Toby's sick, at least I think he is.

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