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Toby's POV

After a while we all turned back to normal slender apologized but it wasn't good enough for Masky, he's still mad. I mean he did turn me into a cat without my permission. Who does that by the way?

Thanksgiving passed so now we wait for Christmas, I honestly don't mind the holidays. That's a lie- I LOVE Christmas. But I have my reasons, you see when it's this time of year we all get a break and one present. And usually it's something good! I know Christmas is all about Santa and kindness- but we just do it for shits and giggles.

We have a party and everything I can't wait! Anyway it's morning and I slowly wake up in my bed well rested, I kinda missed being the cat. Masky likes cat and he'd pet me.... I know it's weir just, it felt nice. I need to stop rambling. I get dressed go downstairs and people are setting up for Christmas already. "H-hey guys! Can I h-h-help?"EJ and Jeff shake their head "sorry tobs we're setting the glass up and don't want you to break something" EJ says. Okay you'll let Jeff help but not me, thanks jackass.

"Oh shut up! Get you're ass over here and help me set up the tree with sally!" I heard clockwork yell. I skipped over to her and helped fluff the tree. LJ came to help put some ornaments on the tree. I tried helping but clockwork only handed me plastic ornaments. "I understand... I m-might break one." She looked down and nodded. She's not being mean even I know that but I have to be careful with things. My hands like to twitch a lot and I might break it. We finished most of the tree.

One last thing! LJ picked sally up and helped her put the star on the tree. "Perfect!" Sally giggles.

LJ let her down, then everyone went to go help other people around the house. I skip to the kitchen to see Masky and Hoodie decorating "Hey guys! C-can I help!" Hoodie nodded and handed me a box of light. I took a chair and put it against the wall to staple them to the wall. We usually go all out for Christmas, it's kinda sad. No one gives two shits about thanksgiving because it's so close to Christmas.


I heard a crash so I turn around to see hoodie on the ground and Masky trying to help him up. Blood poured from behind Hoodz. "BRIAN OH SHIT!" I got down from the ladder and rushed over to my friend. Slenderman was called and he took him to EJ. Masky wanted to go after him but didn't "what the fuck happened?!" Masky looked at the pool of blood "fell on a knife, like an idiot!"

He seemed more mad, "Masky you okay?" He looked at me and I saw his eyes threw the mask. "Just fuck off Rogers! I've always hated Christmas- always. But the one year I'm exited for it, it just decided to fuck me right up the ass!" I take a step back. "You hate chis-" he interrupted me.

"YES I HATE IT! It's just so- so-" don't say it... "ANNOYING!"

"Fine ya hate Ch-Christmas so much, then just i-ignore it so everyone else can have a good time!" I yelled. That's when clockwork walked in and snickered, "You two act like an old married couple." I heard Ben and sally laughing from the other room. "What?!" Masky said almost instantly. Ouch

"We don't a-act like a c-c-couple at all!"I yelled as well not wanting it to sound weird that that I wasn't fighting back.Clockwork rolled her eye "Whatever ya say Tobs, so what happened?"


Hoodies POV

I woke up after a while my front facing a bed "What happened?" I tried sitting up but it caused way to much pain." Nope, nope..." then I hear Katie's voice "Brian! You're awake!" She sounded a lot happier then usual. "Yay? What happened though. It hurts to move.

"Oh... you wore help Masky with some decorations then you," i was confused. "Then I what?" She took a deep breath and sighed. "You tripped on a knife..." I tried not to laugh. "Oh shit, that's kinda funny. Not gonna lie." I heard her snicker then come in for a hug. "AGH! Stop!" It hurt a lot more then I thought it would "ah! Sorry. I'm just happy you're okay."

"Where was I stabbed?" Katie giggled "The side, didn't get and organ lucky. But EJ did take a kidney from you as payment." I grunted "Oh great I'm down a kidney."

I heard a knock "Come in!" Kate yelled at whom ever it was. The door opened and the smell of smoke hit me. "Tim?" I heard walking and then a sigh. "You alright buddy?" I nodded. "Yeah I guess.. so what happened after I passed out?" I said that noise. Ya know that noise is the noise your friend makes when they did something bad. "What happened?" I could tell that Kate was death glaring him.

   "I may have, gotten mad. And yelled at Toby like a maniac." He said as I could hear the guilt in his voice. "Buddy-" he cut me of. "Look I'm sorry."

  "Sorry isn't enough, and you wanna say sorry say it to Toby sense you love him so much." Kate responded for me. "Hell- you told me your self you love him! I'm sick and tired of both of you fighting, all the time!" Well she went off on him. Masky went quite, "get better soon Brian." Then he left abruptly as I heard the door close.
   "Was I to hard on him?" I shook my head. "He'll be fine just wait a while."

"Hell- you told me yourself you love him!"

3rd POV

   "What did you mean by that Katie?" Brian said somewhat confused. "Don't tell anyone but, the mission at that fancy ass party a week or more ago. The reason Masky wanted to go their was not just for our target but someone else. He found out who had hurt Toby and ya know... made him think Tim did it. I guess he never let it go and he killed him as well telling slender he "knew to much" or whatever. There was a file of pictures. Pictures of Toby beating blue and red, we got into an argument then it slipped out."

   It took Brian a second then- "MY BUDDY LIK-" Kate covered his mouth. "Shh! Don't tell anyone!" What was Brian to do. He's the only one in the house who now knows Masky and The Ticci Toby. Like each other, the ones who fight all the time, the ones who argue all the time. Like each other. (Me: Noice)

Toby's POV

Masky came back sounding more frustrated then when he talked with me. "Masky just calm the fuck down." Jeff said "it's Christmas" Masky was done with it and snapped back "Fuck off Woods!" I rolled my eyes as another fight broke out.

   -Tim skip brought to you by crack head-

    I was in bed trying to get comfortable, when someone slid something under my door. I got up and walked towards my door and picking it up, it's a note?

'Dear Toby,
                   I'm done with Christmas, done! So I've made a plan to go out on Christmas, I am inviting you to come with me. We leave Christmas Eve at 6:30pm to Christmas Day 5:00 am. Meet me at the broken foundation behind the mansion.
Your friend, Masky'

    I can't tell if I'm happy because I'm spending Christmas with Masky, or say he said friend? Wait he never calls me his friend!" Whoohoo!" I yelled a little jumping up and down. Man I'm pathetic. Anyway that means I'll hav to leave the Christmas party early. Oh well that's gonna happen is BEN flip out and Jeff pass out drunk. Maybe a game but we usually do games at the begging. I'm so exited! What do I wear? I jump up and run to my closest looking threw my clothes. "Nothing to fancy... and n-nothing to plan...." I sneak to clockworks room and open the door, thankfully I didn't see her and Jane sleeping. I sneak up to her bed and tap her awake...


((I hope you liked this chapter and sorry for not posting after a while.... oh and happy holidays and thanksgiving!))

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