The real party (pt 1)

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Toby's POV

I grown and get out of Bed "H-Hey clock. . ." She was already in my closet picking out my outfit. I sigh and start changing, she doesn't mind. " Remember when we pretended to date so I would have to come out?" I nodded and she laughed. "You better not do that. I saw the note on your desk, do something with him." I groan and leave the room with her following behind.

We walk down to the party "you slept in buddy, we asked Clocky to go get you!" I nodded sleepily.

God I just wanna go back to my dream it was magical almost. I sat down on the couch and clockwork sat next to me. We played normal games no "pocky game" or "spin the bottle." I can't believe it's already 6:23- masky has already left. I leave the party not remembering any of it, I grabbed my gloves and hat. I'm not gonna bother with the scarf thing. . .

I go outside and I see masky I wave. "Wh-what's up!" He looked up, I just wanna see his face again.

"Hey Toby," he almost sounded shocked I was kinda prepared. "Can we talk?" I came closer.

"Sure Masky, wh-what is it?" He scratched the back of his head "I-..." don't jump to conclusions Toby. "I wanna know if you're okay. . . At the part you seemed off." I look at him where his eyes should be. "It's n-nothing..." my face went red. "Are you sure? You love uno. But you didn't even pick up a card." I nodded "Sorry I just wasn't in the mood for it. . ."

"Toby I know we have never really been friends and all but- if you need someone to talk to- I'm here I guess." He looked away as to say, I don't really care I just want it to sound like He dose.

  "It's whatever. . . Hey is that all?" I crossed my fingers
"I- no actually. I wanted to go on a walk with you, if that's alright." I nodded and we began our walk. "So uhh, h-how are y-y-you?"

"I'm fine. Ya know as usual." I gripped my hands knowing he was lying. "O-okay." Is all I responded with. "Toby do you wanna- go get something to eat? I'm hungry and didn't eat at the party, I don't think you did either." I turn a bright pink, it's not a date Toby stop jumping ahead!

"Oh yeah! S-sure! S-s-sounds g-great." Damnit I keep ticking.

I could tell masky smile and so did I, we found ourselves out of the woods and to the tree line. "Waffle House?" I nodded excitedly. I may not be obsessed with waffles but I really like breakfast foods, all of them.

We both took our masks off, a light pink sprees across my pale face. God masky is really hot. . . His sideburns, his eyes, the way his hair just looks so perfect over his head and sometimes face. Ugh, just makes me feel so fuzzy inside. Walking towards the town we kept doing that 'oh I see you' 'and I see you' then look away awkwardly.

"So. Toby, what kind of music do you listen to?" I looked at masky and shrugged, happy to know he wants to actually know things about me. Makes me feel important. "I listen to things like Hollywood Undead, Get scared, three days of grace, stuff like that. How about you, Tim Tam?" I ask giving him a nickname

   "I usually listen to songs like 'Hey there Delilah' or Bruno Mars." I nodded and we kept walking.

  Soon we saw the Waffle House and we walked up to it, at least it's open. He opened the door for me, what a gentleman! I'm joking, it's probably just because we are in public.

I walk in and he comes in after me. A old woman walking up to us to seat us. "And what would the couple like this fine Christmas?" I look at her turning a bright red. But masky just started ordering like this was normal! I try and avoid eye contact with him or the old lady and just give her what I wanted.

When she walked away Masky burst out laughing, I kinda made me feel good. Even if he was probably laughing at me, it's not like I didn't like his laugh. It's another 30 sentence the writer could make to explain his laugh. We make small talk, he tried to make it not seem awkward, but it was. I kept looking up at him, just to see him look away blushing. It's cute.

    I chowed down on my food, he already knows I'm a messy eater so it's no shock that he didn't seem to care. The lady walked up to us taking our now empty plates. Everything was happening too fast, it's already 9pm. He payed and we left. "N-now what?" Masky looked at me while we left. "Wanna go burn something down?" I nodded and we walked into some park called Rosswood.

   "What are we gonna burn Tim?"
     "My old home, or the place I lived in for years." I looked at him tilting my head.
     "I lived in a hospital until I burnt it down. But It was never completely destroyed. That's what I wanna do." Masky? Lived in a hospital? Oh well I guess I don't really know him, oh.

  They found themselves at a abandoned hospital. 'Maybe he just knew how much you like to burn stuff, so he wouldn't have too.' A voice in Toby's head mocked. Meanwhile masky pulled out light lighter, he used it to smoke. " so- how do you wanna do this?" Toby looked at Masky.

     "Before we do. . . C- Can I t-t-talk yo you f-for a second?" Masky nodded and the two sat on the forest floor. "What's up Toby? You seem serious?"

      "Masky I- I-it's just that you-. . . You seem so distant. I b-nearly know nothing anything a-a-about you. So before we burn this p-place down for g-g-good, tell me. Tell me everything please." Tim's eyes went wide.
     "S-sorry Toby I can't do that. . . Can we just get back to-" Toby's eyes filled with tears, and he hated it. Gripping his fist into a ball he stood up.
      "Tim just t-tell me! Even w-w-without the damn black and white c-chunk of plastic you are still- still- M-MASKED! You d-don't tell me anything! I just wanna know you!" Tim backed up shocked by Toby's response. "Toby I-"
     His eyes no longer held the tears letting the hot tears stream down his face like a water fall. "TIM! PLEASE! I just w-wanna know you! And I-I-I-I can't g-get this feeling out of my chest! And it pisses me off I love someone I don't know!" Then Toby covers his mouth, Tim's eyes going wide
     "Y-you what?"


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