Happy birthday Rogers

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((Hey so I'm writing late at night on a table,I'm sorry if I make some mistakes I probably should be asleep but ya know....SLEEP IS FOR THE WEEK!))

Toby's P.O.V

Today is my birthday I'm turning 20...yay, as you could probably tell I'm not to happy about it, but I hoped I atleast got an extra hour of sleep.Sense Jeff couldn't be quiet I just got up anyway,I walked downstairs in my pj's plus a red and black blanked around my head it was cold okay.I saw shockingly a passed out masky at the kitchen table I looked at my pj's. I was wearing a hoodie I wouldn't be that cold right?i took off my blanket and put it on masky, it was clear he had been working him self to hard I mean he passed out on his work.I made myself some cereal and masky I'm sure when he wakes up he'll be hungry.

I put the cereal by his work and sat besid him so no one wakes him up.....wow, am I really this obsessed?i see a few people come in and eat but they keep looking at me weirdly "Wh-What is I-it"I say finally "when the hell did you care about masky?"Ej said bluntly "yeah"Lulu agreed."well wh-when I walked d-down here he w-w-was passed out, sure we don't g-get along but I c-can be nice s-s-so-sometimes. He cl-clearly had been w-working himself t-to hard"I ticked in response.The nodded and the masky woke up, his mask was still on so I didn't notice right away.

"Hah?"masky said sitting up,"h-hey masky".i said finishing my breakfast"hey Rogers...uhh so did I pass out?"he asked kinda confused"Yeah, Toby also made you breakfast and put a blanket on ya"Jeff told him, I kinda felt embarrassed "Toby you didn't need to do that you know.I would have been fine"masky said looking at me. I put my plate into the sink"i kn-know...but y-you just seemed so c-c-cold"I said turning around"hay Rogers, isint it your birthday"

"No"no duh he looked threw everyone's files,"Is today April 28?"he asked and everyone said yeah."So it is your birthday "he said I was still standing at the sink "it's n-not my b-b-birthday!" I yelled holding on to the sink out of anger "Toby, why are you trying to hide your birthday?"

You remember Lyra right?And what your father did to her?

"Shut up..."I said "Toby, you okay?"I felt a hand on my shoulder I turn around and there was Hoodie.Me as him aren't close but we do say we're friends.i was angry and mad...so I slapped him"E-E-Ev-Every-everyone SH-SH-SHU-SHUT SHUT U-U-U-UP!"

You heard what he said"for you're birthday I won't do anything to you, but you're sister "you heard that laugh!you did nothing! You were completely useless...I guess things never change, Rogers!

The voices sounded like masky, my weakness."Toby calm down!"I saw masky got up"J-J-J-Just m-make I-I-I-it st-st-stop!"


I felt the tears go down my face, there right you know.I am unless and i do cry a lot but most importantly "M-MAKE THEM ST-ST-STOP TALKING LIKE Y-YOU!"I have a big mouth."Toby?"masky said calming down "SHUT U-UP"slender walked in and I ran to my room crying.

Maskys P.O.V

As Toby ran away I felt slender's hand on my shoulder "my office now"he said angrily, Welp that goes my day.I walked to his office with him and we sat down."what happened?!"he said clearly mad."I'm not really sure, I asked if it was his birthday and he snapped, we got into a fight and then he yelled that..."I stopped 'M-MAKE THEM ST-ST-STOP TALKING LIKE Y-YOU' the voices where talking like me?"WELL?!"slender said still mad.

"The voices in his head...I think they were copping my voice, Toby had yelled at us to make them stop talking like me then he said shut up and ran away crying."I said and slender calmed down."well..I guess that can't be helped, go check on him and get more sleep. The next time you pass out Toby might not give you a blanket"he said getting out some papers.i walked out to Toby's room I hear him sob and my heart broke into a million parts until I hear"y-you got me lookin' so-so c-c-c-crazy R-right n-now"he was mumbling Beyoncé lyrics.I opened the door"Toby?"

He jumped up from his bed and fell off "MAKSY?!"he didnt get up and I couldn't see him"uhh I just wanted to see if you were okay"I said walking in"D-DID YOU H-H-HEAR ME?!"he said, I assume I wasn't supposed to hear him wonder why."No, what were you saying?"i acted like I didn't know what he was saying even if I knew "NOTHING!"he yelled.i walk around his bed to see him.his eyes were puffy and he was red"Toby?"my cold heart could take it, I'm not sure I was controlling myself....But I hugged him "M-masky..."I heard him say under his breath.

"W-why do I..."Toby was saying something but I couldn't hear, he's so quite.

"What did you mean back in the kitchen?"I said letting go as he quickly looked down "I-...I d-don't l-l-like my birthday m-my father...he'd never d-do anything to m-m-me on my birthday, b-but Lyra....."he began sobbing again "calm down Rogers, it's okay"I said trying to calm him down "sh-she almost d-d-died every t-time!"he yelled.I made a mistake bringing that up."shh Toby it's okay your dad isn't around anymore he can't hurt her"I hugged him"THEN TH-THEY MA-MADE YOU REMIND ME!"he yelled sobbing into my shoulder "who?"I asked mistake number 2"THE V-VOICES TIM, THE V-V-VOICES!"

He kept crying and I let him after he was done "th-thanks masky...I n-n-needed that"I patted his head and left.

Toby's P.O.V

Masky left and I was alone again.i walked to my window and leaned on the windowsill,I watched it become day slowly.Sometimes all you need is a good cry ,I look to my left a little and there is one of my favorite pictures of me and Lyra. She was pushing me on a swing and mom decided to take a photo it really was one of my favorites.i started to cry again but these are happy tears.i knew Masky too well and he'd tell everyone it wasn't my birthday and not to mention it.Is this what love feels like?

I heard knocking at my door and then running, I got up and peeked outside.i didn't see anyone, but I did see a gift wrapped in blue and gray.i brought it into my room and opened it, inside was an Empty note book and pen with a card the card read.

Dear Toby,

i understand its your birthday today and I wanted to give you something

From , your secret admirer;)

I have a secret admirer?!who is it? It was clearly rushed but it was the thought that counts. I put the book, the pen and the letter on my deask"what a d-d-day

((YEET, today is April 28 A.K.A Toby's birthday so I wanted to do something special for it.well see ya))

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